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他们是天鹅,他并不知道这些鸟是什么鸟。They were swans.

游得好,天鹅。Well swum, Swan.

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而你是那天鹅。Hey,you be the swan.

我要学那天鹅。I will play the swan.

天鹅又游回来了。Swan swam back again.

他不再是只黑灰丑陋的鸟,他竟然是一只天鹅!He was himself a swan!

这就是天鹅之舞!This is the swan dance!

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天鹅又游回来了。The swans are returning.

是五十九只天鹅。Are nine-and-fifty Swans.

天鹅又游回来了。Spring rolled round again.

别吵!我在等天鹅。Quiet! I'm waiting for swans.

你知道吗,天鹅是终生为伴。You see, swans mate for life.

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这天鹅虽然也是珍禽。Sure, the swan is a rare bird.

一群天鹅掠过夭空。The swans were knifing the sky.

你从没见过黑色的天鹅You've never seen a black swan.

天鹅可能给你严重的一啄。Swans can give you a nasty peck.

大卫天鹅,步兵和军士。David Swan, Infantryman, and Sgt.

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一只天鹅在康士坦茨湖,德国。A swan on Lake Constance, Germany.

这个天鹅木梳是用黄杨木制成的。This swan comb is made of boxwood.

是两只天鹅在室女星座的相逢。Two swans meeting on the Jungfrau.