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美国各大电视网会出重金尝试聘用她们。CNN and FoxNews will be trying to hire them.

又或者你会不顾自己支付能力花重金请她吃顿饭。Or maybe you spend more than you can afford on dinner.

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因此,陆军重金投入了“复位计划”。So, the Army has invested heavily in this ‘reset programme.

比尔和梅琳达•盖茨基金会掷下重金支持小额储蓄。The Bill &Melinda Gates Foundation has thrown its weight behind microsavings.

王山川的父亲以重金贿赂卢局长,希望保全王山川的性命。Wang Shanchuans father, and a bribe Lou, hope to preserve Wang Shanchuan life.

根据传统经济学的经验,垄断者应不惜重金搞科研。Conventional economic wisdom holds that monopolies should spend heavily on research.

成本是企业生存、发展的关键,许多企业不惜花费重金去对其成本进行保密。Cost is the soul of a factory. Many factories spend lots of money to make their cost secret.

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持有重金的尤文图斯承认他们对不来梅的双星克洛泽和弗林斯很感兴趣。Cashed-up Juventus admit they're keen on Werder Bremen pair Miroslav Klose and Thorsten Frings.

特别利益集团总会事先知道这些情况,并且花重金投资于各州政治活动。Special-interest groups have always known this and are already heavily invested in state politics.

埃森哲、毕马威、IBM和SAP不惜重金投资它们的咨询业务。Accenture, PricewaterhouseCoopers, IBM and SAP are investing heavily in their consulting practices.

如果不惜为子女教育投入重金,把钱花在他们3-8岁这个阶段。If you're going to spend a lot of money on your children's education, spend it when they're 3 to 8.

关键的一点是,踢进这一球的是该俱乐部花重金签约的科特迪瓦球员亚亚-图雷。Significantly, the winning goal was scored by one of his big-money signings, the Ivorian Yaya Toure.

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亦名找子恒说最后一次花重金找编剧,子恒不愿意,一百万全打了水漂。Constant name also find son say one last time on looking for writers, ziheng is not willing to, m gone.

这是一个最近的事件显示,上帝是重金他创造奇迹的人哭。Unni. This is just a recent event to show that God is showering his miracles to the people who cry for that.

据悉,曼联另外两名功勋老臣斯科尔斯和加里·内维尔也收到了中东球会的重金邀请。United midfielder Paul Scholes and defender Gary Neville also received lucrative deals from Middle East clubs.

最近几年,诺华、阿斯利康以及罗氏均在中国投入重金进行研发,财经时报表示。And in recent years, Novartis, AstraZeneca and Roche have all put serious money into R&D in China, the FT notes.

依然无比复有的微软也在这些领域投入重金,尤其是搜索引擎。Microsoft, still immensely wealthy, is pouring billions into these fast-growing fields, especially Internet search.

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这项赛事成功的一个重要因素是欧洲体坛花重金的直播。One major factor of the event's success story is the exposure attained through the priceless broadcast by Eurosport.

在家长和孩子的眼睛里只有一座“独木桥”的情况下,家长往往不惜重金投入。In the parents and children's eyes only a "wooden bridge" case, parents are often not hesitate heavy gold investment.

公司以尖端科技为技术依托,集科研、开发、销售为一体,重金从国外引进了高精尖设备。RICH SOLAR relies much on the cutting-edge technology, and has brought a series of machines and settings from abroad.