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但是他还需要更大的魄力。But more boldness is needed.

人又是继承了竹的魄力。People who have inherited the courage bamboo.

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也许波斯纳刚愎自用,但他还有些尖锐和魄力。Posner may be wrong-headed, but he has bite and verve.

没有单独魄力的人,将依仗别人做坏事。——福泽谕吉。Not to drive alone, will rely on other people to do bad things.

法国又已不复有发动大规模的攻势的生气勃勃的魄力了。France had no longer the life-thrust to mount so great offensive.

歌,让他们拿去,因为要有更大的魄力,才敢于赤身行走。Song, let them take it For there's more enterprise In walking naked.

这其实,就是胆识,而拿得起,放得下,就是魄力。This actually, is courage, and affordable, to put next, is boldness.

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奥运精神是气度绵延的万里长城,赋予我们勇武的魄力。Olympic spirit of the Great Wall is rolling bearing, gives us Yong-wu vigour.

“共和行政”不仅展现了他的魄力和才能,而且提高了卫国的政治地位。"Gonghe Xingzheng"was present his ability and talent and improved Wei's political statue.

他创造性的利用了循复的音律使他的诗作中产生出一种具有魄力的模糊性质。His creativity uses a repetitive rythem and that makes a very powerful indistinct character.

龙的精神象征者领导的魄力,这样的精神与世界其它地区是一样的。The Dragon spirit promotes leadership and for the rest of the world is synonymous with China.

理解快乐、擅长快乐切实是一种智慧、一种气宇、一种魄力。Understand happiness, happiness is really good at a kind of wisdom, a kind of tolerance, a spirit.

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在大学教风建设中教师是最关键的,应通过提高教师的内在素质和人格魄力促进教风建设。All of them, inner quality and Charisma of teachers should be improved which are the most important.

显然奥巴马没有罗斯福的魄力,即使他的破坏力不逊于西奥多·罗斯福。Obama was clearly not pushing very hard tobe FDR or even his trust-busting relative Teddy Roosevelt.

她特有的时尚灵感来历于男装,推许简捷但高尚的计划魄力气焰。Her kind of fashion was inspired by menswear and she believed in simple yet highly expensive designs.

尽管乔治六世国王生于贵族,但遗憾的是他的家族既没有给予他自信也没有培养他的领袖魄力。Though King George VI was born blue-blooded, his family left him with no self-confidence or charisma.

不论面试官是谁,都是通过勇气和魄力走到今天这一步,你也应该这么做。Chances are whoever you're interviewing with got where he is by showing some moxie, and you should too.

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不论面试官是谁,都是通过勇气和魄力走到今天这一步,你也应该这么做。Chances are whoever you’re interviewing with got where he is by showing some moxie, and you should too.

因此这三个国家能够以足够的魄力推行节俭政策,重新赢得市场的信心.The three countries were therefore able to tackle austerity with enough zeal to win back market confidence.

奥巴马还没有显示出他就是担此大任的合适人选,也没有显示出应有的魄力.Obama has not shown signs of being the right person for this. He has not shown the right boldness of vision.