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没有闷热的隔间。No stuffy cubicles here.

我靠在隔间上,失声痛哭。I leaned against the stall and cried.

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哦,我明白了,嗯,他的隔间编号是19-346-B。Tony. Ah yes, he's in cubicle 19-346-B.

我的办公隔间挨着一扇大窗户。My cubical is right next to a big window.

我在顶上的隔间然后投入了我随身携带的袋子。I then put my carry-on bag in the overhead compartment.

施工-6cm块状隔间。In construction-6cm thickness block compartment system.

是原始单间还是木头隔间房?Is the primitive one-roomed or the wood compartmented room?

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隔间没有门,但这并不等于谁都可以随时闯进来呀!No, no one should think they can barge in whenever they want.

“这里面是什么?”他问道,拉开其中的一个隔间。"What's in here?" he asked, unzipping one of the compartments.

清洗隔间、五金件和管件的外露表面。Clean exposed surfaces of compartments, hardware, and fittings.

他发现厕所里有一个隔间的门是开着的,于是就把那个硬币揣回口袋里了。He finds a stall that happens to be open and pockets the quarter.

他又朝过道瞄了一眼,那人走进另一隔间去了。He looked into the corridor again, but the man had entered a compartment.

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优秀的平面隔间设计,明亮和宽敞的客厅可以通往后院。Great floorplan with brightness and spacious livingroom leads to backyard.

淋浴隔断,更衣室隔间,以及小便器隔断选项表。Shower Dividers, Dressing Compartments, and Urinal Screens Selector Chart.

要是你让这些植物直接长在你的隔间上,你的老板可能会对你皱眉头。Your boss might frown on you allowing your plants to merge with your cube.

在你的隔间或者办公室的所有表面上都贴上纸片。Keep numerous stacks of paper on all surfaces of your cubicle or workspace.

非空调车厢每个隔间有4铺和2铺。Non-air-conditioned coaches with lockable 4-berth and 2-berth compartments.

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在被墙面分隔的隔间里举行派对会破坏有趣、合作的气氛。Working in walled-off cubicles would ruin the fun, collaborative atmosphere.

它的绿色浓郁而明亮,非常合适放在隔间的空角落里。It's bushy and bright green, and a perfect match for an empty cubicle corner.

我从我的隔间地狱里站起身来,觉得一阵眼花,阳光穿过云层照射过来,让我眨眼不止。I rose out of cubicle hell in a daze, blinking in the cloud-filtered daylight.