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我是一个勤奋好学的女孩。I am a studious girl.

勤奋努力,刻苦好学,结果导向。Hard worker, quick learner, result-oriented.

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勤奋好学,愿从基层做起。Studious, willing to start the grass-roots level.

聪颖机敏,好学不倦,有优越之学习能力。Bright and eager to learn, has promising potential.

为人勤恳好学,有一定的责任心。Hardworking and eager to learn Strong responsibility.

他雄心勃勃又勤奋好学,一定会有成就的。Being ambitious and diligent, he is sure to get there.

可以坦诚的说,我是一名勤奋好学的优秀学生。To be honest, I am a diligent and outstanding student.

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勤奋好学,愿从基层做起。Studious , willing to start from the grass-roots level.

毕竟,你必须聪明好学才能进这所学校。I mean, you have to be somewhat to get into this school.

幼小的她勤奋好学,遍览各种经典名著。She studied hard when she was young and read many books.

那个勤奋好学的女孩努力成为班里最优秀的学生。The studious girl struggled to be the best in the class.

勤奋好学钠结构和奉献是我最大的优点。Studious nature and dedication are my greatest strengths.

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好学上进,不断提高,完善自我。Be willing to learn, continuously improve, and perfect ego.

最重要的是有一颗好学,好问,好思考的态度。Most importantly, is the keen to learn, to ask and to think.

这些日子来他变得比以往任何时候都要勤奋好学。Over these days, he has become more diligent than ever before.

丘吉尔爵士勤奋好学的态度深深感染了我。I was deeply struck by Sir Winston’s attitude towards learning.

她是一名老师,而我恰恰也是那种勤奋好学的孩子。She was a teacher. I was an eager student of the academic sort.

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好学宝与孩子们快乐分享学习的乐趣。Super E-Teacher shares the fun of learning to all the children.

你是个好学上进、乐于助人的好孩子。You are a study to make improvements, helpfulness of the child.

真的?我一直以为你是个勤奋好学的孩子呢。Really? I always thought of you as being a kind of studious kid.