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改山造田可是硬碰硬的事。To transform hills into fields is an extremely tough job.

多年前围湖造田,遭的报应不少了。Years ago, we got our lesson in reclaiming land from lakes.

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第二十四条禁止围湖造田。Article 24. It shall be forbidden to reclaim land from lakes.

禁止将有毒、有害废物用作肥料或者用于造田。The use of toxic or hazardous wastes as fertilizer or as fill to build up fields is prohibited.

该公园突破了僵化的围海造田的形式,形成一种有机设计模式。This park breaks through the rigid polder-outline and forms a contrast with it's organic design.

禁止将有毒、有害废物用作肥料或者用于造田。Toxic and harmful waste is prohibited to be used as fertilizers or for cultivating new farmland.

禁止将有毒、有害废物用作肥料或者用于造田。It shall be prohibited to use noxious or harmful wastes as fertilizers or for creating farmlands.

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从每一天中,我们都能找到我们曾并没意识到的可利用时间,这就好像是丹麦人填海造田是一样的道理。We can take time back from our days just like the Dutch took land back from the sea and put it to work.

项目发展至今,俨然成为了中国防沙造田,荒漠修复最好的实例之一。It has already become one of the best examples of Chinese sand prevention and desert restoration projects.

在荷兰,人们拦海造田已开垦了成千上万公顷的土地并将它们变成可耕地和牧场。In Holland thousands of hectares have been reclaimed from the sea and turned over to arable land and pasture.

自1949年起,长江流域2/3的湖泊因为人们的围湖造田而消失。Since 1949, two-thirds of the Yangtze Valley lakes have disappeared as more and more land has been reclaimed.

围海造田是荷兰人的骄傲,拦海大坝成为世界奇观。Encircles the sea to make the field is Dutch's arrogant, blocks the sea dam to become the world marvelous sight.

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水系格局改变、围湖造田等这对于防洪除涝造成严重威胁。Water system changes, reclaiming farmland from lakes, etc, made a serious threat to flood and waterlogging control.

潜堤是一种常见的护岸工程结构物,广泛的应用于护岸、保滩促淤、围海造田以及导流等近海工程中。Submerged dyke is a common offshore structure, which is widely used for band protecting and silt promoting engineer and etc.

他还认为,广东的海岸线得天独厚,广东沿海地区应抓紧实施围海造田计划。He also advised the coastal places could enclose sea area to set up land, taking advantage of the long coastline of Guangdong.

城市需要水系,但城市化推进的过程中,围湖造田、围海造田现象严重。The city need water system, however, reclaiming farmland from lakes and the sea is serious during the process of urbanization.

实现了千百年来围湖造田、与湖争地到大规模退田还湖的历史性转变。It represents a great shift from the centuries-long history of reclaiming farmland from lakes to restoring it to them on a large scale.

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例1.实现了千百年来围湖造田、与湖争地到大规模退田还湖的历史性转变。This represented a great shift from the centuries-long history of reclaiming farmland from lakes to restoring it to them on a large scale.

巴西究竟怎样创造了这一令人称奇的造田奇迹?答案意义深远,不只对巴西,而是整个世界。How did the country manage this astonishing transformation? The answer to that matters not only to Brazil but also to the rest of the world.

潜堤是一种常见的护岸工程结构物,广泛的应用于护岸、保滩促淤、围海造田以及防浪导流等海岸工程中。Submerged dike is a common offshore structure, which is widely used for bank protecting, wave defending and silt promoting engineering and etc.