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我们须丢弃任何幻想。We must have no illusions.

把垃圾丢弃在桶内。Dump the rubbish in the bin.

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丢弃药品非常的危险。Cast-off drugs can be dangerous.

取出月桂叶,并丢弃。Remove and discard the bay leaf.

祟高的奥林匹克理想被丢弃。High Olympic ideals were forsaken.

我痛恨丢弃正在工作的代码。I hate to throw away working code.

尿液则丢弃到太空之中。Urine is discarded out into space.

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发现消息中的错误或者丢弃它们。Faulting messages or dropping them.

有些人被丢弃在垃圾桶里。Some were discarded in garbage cans.

老实讲,俄罗斯人从不丢弃东西。The Russians never throw things away.

动物会丢弃最弱小的幼仔。Animals reject the runt of the litter.

不要随意丢弃饮料罐。Don't discard the drink cans carelessly.

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丢弃了家庭,良知何居?Abandoned the family, how the conscience?

求你兴起,不要永远丢弃我们。Rouse yourself! Do not reject us forever.

其中一个巢里甚至还有一些被丢弃了的蛋呢。One of the nests contained abandoned eggs.

丢弃你的羞怯,大胆地爱抚我。Discard your pudency, fondle me audaciously.

有些人丢弃的胶袋因果。Some people throw away plastic bags causally.

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齐的行中被丢弃,行尾也没有原来结尾处的空格。No trailing spaces appear at the end of lines.

蚯蚓取食时丢弃了较细的颗粒。Worms reject the finer particles when feeding.

你必须丢弃一切解散军队的动机。You have to discard any thoughts of disbanding.