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五加六等于几?What's five and six?

五加五是十。Five and five is ten.

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五加三的总和是八。The sum of 5 and 3 is 8.

五加四等于九。Five plus four equals nine.

五加九等于十四。Five plus nine is fourteen.

五加三等于几?How much is five plus three?

五加零等于五。Five plus naught equals five.

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五加十五是二十。Five and fifteen add up to twenty.

五加五再加五等于十五。Fifteen is five plus five plus five.

贵州五加科某些种类的考订。Notes on some species of Araliaceae from Guizhou.

五加科植物的新分类群及某些修订。New taxa and some revisions about the Araliaceae of China.

8种五加属植物花粉形态的研究。Studies on the pollen morphology of eight species of Acanthopanax.

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从无梗五加中提取的粗黄酮对猪油有明显的抗氧化作用。The extracts of flavonoids exhibit strong antioxidant activity on lard.

出发之前,他顺手提了一个五加仑的桶,想要摘回一些水果吃。Before he went, he grabbed a five-gallon bucket to bring back some fruit.

我国五加科的属种数、属间亲缘关系和地理分布。The systematics, relationship and distribution of the Araliaceae of China.

到裤口袋里。放进去了。老师再问你一个问题,五加五等于几?The pants pocket. Put in. The teacher asked you a question, plus five equal to a few?

目的建立复方南五加口服液定性定量方法。Objective To establish a qualitative and quantitative method for Fufang Nanwujia oral solution.

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对短梗五加根腐病病原菌进行了生物学特性研究。The pathogenic biological characteristics of Sessileflower acanthopanax root rot was studied in this paper.

通过正交试验优化了倒卵叶五加多糖的提取分离工艺。This paper investigated the extraction and isolation technology of polysaccharides from Acanthopanax obovatus Hoo.

那么接下来为了得到,这个分子中价电子的总个数,我们只需要将五加上四,再加上一。So then in order to figure out the complete number of valence electrons in our molecule, we just add 5 plus 4 plus 1.