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我们为落日的余辉而激动。We get excited about sunsets.

落日把天空染成金色。The setting sun gilds the sky.

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落日把天空染成金色。The setting sun inflames the sky.

落日余晖微染那片云层。The setting sun tinged the clouds.

用落日来判断天气,往往是不会错的。You can always tell weather by sunsets.

在公园或者海滩上来一次落日野餐Have a sunset picnic at a park or beach.

你看那落日,我还从没过比这更红的太阳呢。Look at Oat sunset I never saw one redder.

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西方,遥远地西方,落日圆圆齐海平。West, west away, the round sun is falling.

我喜欢静静地看如霞落日。I like seeing the flames of sunset quietly.

落日的余晖绸缎般泻落在铁皮屋顶。Ribbons of west fall grosgrain on tin roofs.

在热带地区可以看到美丽的落日余晖。He brisked up his pace at the beautiful sight.

落日余晖照射在她的胸针上。Her brooch caught the rays of the setting sun.

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我只想与你在此共赏落日余晖。I only wish you were here to share it with me.

为了理想我扬帆远航去超越落日。For my purpose holds to sail beyond the sunset.

就是你看了43次落日的那天?I asked, "on the day of the forty-four sunset?"

网在落日余晖中银光光金闪闪。The web was silver and gold in the evening sun.

落日之下,一只渔船来往于梅克纳河。A fishing boat plies the Meghna River at sunset.

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落日余晖离开了峰顶,谷内暮色苍茫。The light of the setting sun suffused the clouds.

看四十四次落日的那天,想必你很忧郁吧?Were you sad, then?On the day of forty-four sunsets?

而我也将为能够看到绚丽多彩的落日余辉而祈祷。And I should pray for the glory of a colorful sunset.