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排泄口上的泵设备是否正确固定?。Is Pump Seated on Discharge Properly?

使它排泄在我们高傲的头上。Their excrements upon our lofty heads.

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最终它要被排泄出。And eventually it's going to be excreted.

现在就有出售排泄污染物权利的市场。You now have a market in effluent rights.

替补装婴孩甜菜,被排泄的井于罐中。Substitute canned baby beets, well drained.

冷却器的排气应由端盖上的排泄螺塞孔进行。Exhaust through the exhaust bolt of the cover.

酒精可以抑止尿酸的排泄。Alcohol can inhabit the excretion of uric acid.

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她养了一大群猫,这些猫老是在你的院子里随意排泄。who has thousands of cats that pee in your yard.

你用什么训练狗狗良好排泄习惯?What do you use when housebreaking the new puppy?

丙磺舒可延缓本品经肾排泄。Probenecid can delay this for the renal excretion.

通过尿道或泄殖腔排泄出的液体。The liquid excreted through the urethra or cloaca.

但说到——排泄问题——你先不要寄予太高希望。But in terms of––excretion––don’t get your hopes up.

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P63蛋白主要标记颌下腺排泄管的基底细胞。P63 labels mainly the basal cells of excretory duct.

活性炭罐蒸气排泄阀是由真空控制的。The canister vapor-vent value is operated by vacuum.

通过皮肤上的毛孔排泄汗液。To excrete perspiration through the pores of the skin.

但爱情却把它的居所设在排泄之所“Love has pitched his mansion in the place of excrement."

而且卵磷脂能增强肝的排泄功能。And lecithin can enhance the excretion of liver function.

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酚红排泄法测定大鼠胃排空率。Gastric emptying was determined by the phenol red method.

吲哚美辛用来减少前列腺素的排泄。Indomethacin is used to decrease prostaglandin excretion.

人体排泄水液的途径主要是尿与汗。The body discharges fluid through urination and sweating.