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犀牛甲虫?rhinoceros beetle?

犀牛甲虫?The rhinoceros beetle?

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甲虫傲慢地说。Beetle said arrogantly.

Khepri是有圣甲虫头形的神。Khepri was the headed god.

蛴螬变成甲虫。Grubs transform to beetles.

最老的那只甲虫问他。The oldest beetle asked him.

你可以和甲虫车进行交流。You could talk to the Beetle.

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达尔文收集化石和甲虫。Darwin collected fossils and beetles.

这类甲虫有坚硬的外壳。This kind of beetles have hard shell.

这些甲虫还是伟大的射手。These beetles are great marksmen, too.

甲虫是红色的,草莓也是。Ladybirds are red. So are strawberries.

象甲科害虫是一种发光的圆柱形甲虫。The weevil is a shiny, cylindrical beetle.

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金甲虫真的从游戏里剔除了吗?Were Reavers really taken out of the game?

小甲虫如何毁了黄石公园?How a Tiny Beetle Could Decimate Yellowstone

甲虫是红色的,草莓也是。为什么?Ladybirds are red. So are strawberries. Why?

埃及圣甲虫其实就是蜣螂。The Egyptian sacred scarab is a dung beetle.

和水甲虫总是游在他后面。And the water beetles always swam behind him.

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他们把这种虫列入甲虫类。They classed this insect under the Coleoptera.

这种甲虫要吃谷物的胚芽。This beetle eats mainly the germ of the grain.

谁来做寿衣?是我,甲虫说。Who'll make his shroud? "I, " said the beetle.