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木炭画很容易弄脏。Charcoal drawings smudge easily.

我们在美术课上学习了木炭画。We learned charcoal drawing in the art class.

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她那用软木炭画的胡子和眉毛对她非常相称。Her moustaches and eyebrows were extraordinarily becoming to her.

在我头顶上方,星星如散落在木炭画布上的银色斑点。Above me, the stars are specks of silver paint on a charcoal canvas.

正因为如此,他为了腊笔画和木炭画而放弃了油画。That's why he gave up painting in favour of pastels and charcoal drawings.

1917年,达利的父亲在家举办了一场儿子木炭画的小型展览。In 1917, Dalí's father arranged a small exhibition of his son's charcoal1 drawings at their home.

1917年,达利的父亲在家举办了一场儿子木炭画的小型展览。In 1917, Dalí's father arranged a small exhibition of his son's charcoal8 drawings at their home.

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她们脱下衣服,但是没有抹去软木炭画的胡子,坐在那里,坐了很久,谈论自己的幸福。They changed their dresses, but without washing off their moustaches , sat for a long while talking of their happiness.

他好像觉得,多亏这副软木炭画的胡子,今天他才首次充分地认识她了。It seemed to him as though to-day, for the first time, he had, thanks to that corked moustache, seen her fully as she was.

那个朋友把奥基夫的木炭画展示给施蒂格利茨看,他非常喜欢她的画,并且把它们展示在自己的艺术美术馆里,并命名为291。That friend showed O'Keeffe's charcoal drawings to Stieglitz. Stieglitz liked her drawings enough to show them in his art gallery, called 291.

那张和从前迥然不同的可爱的面孔从貂皮围脖下面显露出来,软木炭画的眉毛和胡子黑黝黝的,在月色映照之下似近又远。It was a quite new, charming face with black moustaches , and eyebrows that peeped up at him from the sable fur—so close yet so distant—in the moonlight.

除了摄影,她还在油画、笔墨画、木炭画、装置和短片摄制等领域不断探求新的媒介和主题。Despite working as a photographer, she continues to explore new themes and mediums in photography, oil paintings, ink and charcoal drawings, installations and short films.

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迄今为止,相关领域的研究人员已经研究出大量非真实感渲染技术用以模拟画图或画图需要的物理材质,如钢笔画、水彩画、木炭画、铅笔画等。So far, the researchers of related fields have present lots of NPR technologies to simulate drawing or physical materials for drawing, such as pen-and-ink, watercolor, charcoal, pencil drawing.