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这些植物有许多都是耐旱的。Many of these plants are drought tolerant.

两者都具有耐旱特性并且免除种子的转基因专利税。Both are drought-tolerant and the seeds are royalty-free.

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抗枯萎病能力强,耐重茬,耐旱,适应广。Resistant to blight, tolerate to re-plant and drought. Wide adaption.

耐旱性鉴定和评价是培育优良耐旱玉米杂交种品种的基础。Breeding for drought tolerance is based on accurate evaluation of phenotypes.

华县大接杏耐寒、耐旱、耐瘠薄、易管理、丰产性能好。Huaxian Apricot has the features such as cold, drought and barren resistance.

种植耐旱的,需水量远远少于其它植物的树木花草。Plant drought-tolerant shrubs, trees, and grasses, which require far less water

斯兰度那丝瑞公司专供耐旱和耐热的植物和树木。Yucca Do Nursery, inc. specializes in Drought and Heat Tolerant Plants and Trees.

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多刺的、耐旱的棒棰树植物也在这种黥基的顶部区域旺盛生长。Spiny, drought-tolerant Pachypodium plants also thrive in the tsingy's top reaches.

接着,草成熟并变得耐旱,比玉米和大豆作物要干很多。Later, the grasses mature and become dried-out, much drier than corn or soybean plants.

辽河滩地有近百万亩农田种植耐旱高棵作物,使得行洪受阻。About million mu of agricultural land is planted with fall crop. Thus blocking flood water.

本文概述了植物耐旱生理及其分子机制。This article reviewed the physiological and molecular mechanism of plant drought-resistant.

中国已开发处30种耐旱草种用于城市绿化。China has developed 30 varieties of drought-resistant grass seeds to help green urban areas.

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人们建好了各种苗圃来测试作物的产量、耐旱冻性和抗病性等。Nurseries are being planted to test yield, drought and cold tolerance and disease resistance.

专业的前后院设计有自动洒水器及耐旱植物。Professional Front and Rear Landscaping with automatic sprinklers and drought resistant plants.

虽然说它们喜欢湿润,却能与我相伴数月且耐旱。They go on for months and tolerate dry conditions with me, although are said to relish moisture.

他提出优先发展耐高温、耐强辐射和耐旱的新型玉米品种。He proposes prioritising the development of new maize strains resistant to drought and radiation.

对作物耐旱相关性状QTL进行定位和分析是耐旱研究的重点之一。Location and further analysis of QTL is one or priorities in research on drought tolerance in crops.

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叶水势高,萎蔫系数低的茶树品种,耐旱力较强。Tea clones with higher water potential and lower wilting coefficient have greater drought tolerance.

1994年,八吨耐旱且抗杂草的高粱种子被分发到东非地区。In 1994, eight tons of drought- and striga-resistant sorghum seeds were distributed in Eastern Africa.

研究水分胁迫对皱果苋幼苗叶片脯氨酸、丙二醛含量和保护酶活性的影响,探讨皱果苋耐旱机制。The effects on contents of proline, MDA and anti-oxidative enzyme activities in leaves of Amaranthus viridis L.