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石印插图本小说风靡一时。Lithographic illustrations of novels was very popular.

石印、柯式和珂罗版印刷。For example, lithographic printing, offset and collotype.

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它的创办,将中国近代印刷带进了石印的新时代。Its founder made modern Chinese printing into a new era of the draftsmanship.

在山区,差不多所有的材料部是油印或石印的。In the mountains almost everything had to be mimeographed or stone-block lithographed.

以活版铅印和石印为主要方式的近代化印刷体系已经开始建立。The modern printing system has been established with typographic printing and lithographic printing as the main methods.

这与明中叶以来书坊的遍布、活字印刷的发展及石印的推广直接相关。This phenomenon is due directly to the flourishing of workshop printing, the development of movable type printing and lithography.

第四部分从传统的价值入手,论述了石印术和石版画制作技术的传统。The fourth part obtained fromthetraditional value, elaboratedthelithography technique and lithograph manufacture technology tradition.

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石印术传入我国后的百余年间,出版了大量的石印本医籍,现存的约一千余种,其中近五百种医籍得益于石印本存世。A large number of lithographic medical books came out within about 100 years after the introduction of lithography technique from the west.

第四部分从传统的价值入手,论述了石印术和石版画制作技术的传统。The fourth part obtained from the traditional value, elaborated the lithography technique and the lithograph manufacture technology tradition.

铅印与石印的竞争可分为三个阶段,这三个阶段又与两者在制版效率上的技术发展相对应。Competition between letterpress and stone-based lithography could be devided into 3 stages, like the development of the efficiency of plate making.

简要说明了石版画与石印术的相互关系,分析了石版画在中外发展过程中的差异。The briefing lithograph and the stone printed the reciprocity , has analyzed the lithograph in the Chinese and foreign developing process difference.

它的广泛报导集中在原型、激光处理、电铸层、沉淀、粉末冶金、石印术和表面精加工。Its comprehensive coverage focuses on prototypes, laser processing, electroforming , layers, deposition, powder metallurgy, lithography, and surface finishing.

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每过一段时间邱哥就跑一趟分水,把石印好的伞纸和做好的伞骨拿些回来。He does such odd jobs as buying raw materials, drying umbrellas and delivering goods. Once in a while he goes to Fenshui to fetch lithographed umbrella paper and finished ribs.