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中西部连降暴风雪。Big Storms in the Midwest.

但是,暴风雪没有松懈下来的迹象。But the storm was unrelenting.

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但是那里下了很大的暴风雪but there was a huge snow storm

这是暴风雪欲来的先兆。This is a sign the storm is coming.

未来三日内将有暴风雪。There will be a storm in three days.

我们的马车在暴风雪中缓慢地往家走。Our chaise slugged home in the storm.

有时这里会有特大暴风雪。Sometimes there were heavy snowstorms.

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暴风雪中的足球比赛报道?A football game to cover in a blizzard?

暴风雪增加了我们的困难。The snowstorm added to our difficulties.

道路在暴风雪之后铺上了沙子。The roads were sanded after the snowstorm.

猛烈的暴风雪造成了交通混乱。Severe snowstorms wreaked havoc on traffic.

圣若瑟灯塔后暴风雪。St. Joseph lighthouse after a winter storm.

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这是暴风雪欲来的先兆。This is a foregleam of the coming snowstorm.

由于暴风雪,我们不能动身。We should not start because of a snow-storm.

暴风雪将持续到明天下午。The snowstorm will last till tomorrow afternoon.

风呜呜地吼了起来,暴风雪来了。The wind roared the chauffeur, a blizzard comes.

冬天的暴风雪使人无法看清此地白茫茫的公路。The winter storm has whited out the highway here.

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他们迎着暴风雪越过了阿尔卑斯山脉,朝着意大利进发。They headed the storm crossing over Alps to Italy.

大暴风雪打乱了航班时刻表。Heavy snowstorms disorganized the airline schedule.

但由于暴风雪影响,该列车时开时停。However, as the storm impact, the train on and off.