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塞维鲁为罗马帝国历史上承上启下的皇帝。Septimius Severus was an emperor at turning point in the Roman imperial history.

初中教师在这一背景下起到了承上启下的作用。They form a link between the preceding and the following under such a background.

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专业课教学环节是理工科大学的重要教学过程,具有承上启下的作用。The specialty course teaching is the important part in the science and technology colleges.

乔叟在中世纪的英国与文艺复兴之间,担当了承上启下的历史重任。Chaucer served as a historical connecting link between the medieval Britain and Renaissance.

炼钢炉次计划对于钢铁企业生产计划的编制起着承上启下的重要作用。The charge plan of steelmaking is crucial for production plan of iron and steel enterprises.

宋代医学教育在中国医学教育史上起着承上启下的作用。The medical education of Song in China plays a vital role in the history of medical education.

平行结构具有使行文简洁、强调、对比鲜明,承上启下等修辞功能。This chapter first explains its rhetorical functions, such as brevity, emphasis, contrast and coherence.

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派出所长作为基层公安工作的具体执行者和推动者,处于承上启下的重要位置。As executors and impellors of basic public security work, public station chiefs are in a critical position.

范长江是中国新闻史上以写新闻通讯而著名的记者,也是在我国通讯史上具有承上启下地位的历史人物。Fan Changjiang is one of the famous reporters in the news history of China who wrote the news communication.

四新组团在地缘上处于承上启下的中间地位和核心环节,战略地位十分突出。In geography, lying in the middle and core as a connecting link, it occupies a prominent strategic position.

奥古斯都时代作为罗马从共和走向帝制的关键转折点,起到了承上启下的重要作用。Augustan Age as the key turning point of Republican Rome to imperial Rome, played a important role in the nexus.

村庄精英在村落场域的权力结构中,居于承上启下的中介地位。The township elite in the power structure of village field is the medium between the preceding and the following.

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倒装的功能包括强调、承上启下和结构均衡。The function of inversion includes emphasis, structural balance, connecting link between the preceding and the following.

财政管理由非专职化趋于专职化,体现了曹魏财政制度在汉唐财政制度变迁中承上启下的历史地位。These changes show that the financial system of Wei formed a connecting link between the Han Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty.

摘要作为唐宋之交承上启下的学者道士,陈抟的美学思想是丰富而有特色的。As a transitional taoist scholar in late tang and early song period , chen tuan has rich and characteristic aesthetic thought.

石峡古稻所呈现的籼、粳模糊性和分化状态特征,表明石峡古稻是我国栽培稻起源与发展史上承上启下的重要一环。It suggested that the ancient rice in Shixia ruin has played an important role in the origin and evolution of cultivated rice.

主位是语篇构成的重要手段,在语篇信息流中起着承上启下的作用,述位起着传递新信息的作用。Theme plays an important role in the process of text construction, and rheme is very important in transmitting new information.

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审查起诉是连接侦查和审判的中间环节,起着承上启下的重要作用。Criminal examination and prosecution is the intermediate link, which plays an important role in joining investigation with trial.

在西欧文化史中,“加洛林文艺复兴”所扮演的承上启下的作用,为欧洲以后的复兴奠定了坚实的基础。In short, Carolingian Renaissance bridged the preceding and the following, and laid a solid foundation for the subsequent renaissance.

各区级图书馆作为公共文化服务体系的重要组成部分,在“一证通”体系中起到承上启下的作用。As the important component of the public cultural service system, district libraries play the link role in the 'one card pass' project.