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真主的慈恩确是临近行善者的。The mercy of God is near.

宗教是诱导人们积德行善的力量吗?Is religion a force for good?

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宗教一向是诲人行善的力量吗?Is religion always a force for good?

他以多行善事而知名。He is known for his many benefactions.

他无法抗拒自己想行善的愿望。His desire to do good is overwhelming him.

弟兄们,你们行善不可丧志。But ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing.

她因多行善事而受人尊敬。She was much looked up to for her kindnesses.

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我们得救非本乎善行,乃是为要行善。We are not saved by good works but for good works.

没有谁行善反得恶果的。None who performs good deeds, comes to an evil end.

我有一个说法是21天行善挑战。There's something I call the 21-day kindness challenge.

行善守法者在恶人恶行中并非纯洁无邪。The righteous is not innocent of the deeds of the wicked

积德虽无人见,行善自有天知。Merit is nobody see, doing good has its own heaven knows.

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小蜜蜂就这样锲而不舍地做著积德行善,立下了很多的积德行善。Bee so doggedly doing good deeds, made a lot of good deeds.

史密斯先生,一个真正的绅士,总是对穷人行善。Mr. Smith , a true gentlemen, is always beneficent to poor.

一些不相干的人由于行善让他穿上那样的破衣烂衫。Some people or other had clothed him in rags out of charity.

一个人如果慢于行善,心就会乐在邪恶当中。If one is slow in doing good, the mind finds delight in evil.

人之所行善事并不总是随其遗体一同埋入土中。THE good that men do is not always interred with their bones.

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我们所做的一切都希望能让更多的有情众生多多行善及发菩提心。Our aim is to hope that everyone will do good with a Bodhi mind.

安慰你们的心,并且在一切善行善言上,坚固你们。Comfort your hearts, and stablish you in every good word and work.

你今天的行善明天便会被忘却。尽管如此,还是去行善吧。The good you do today wiil be forgotten tomorrow . Do good anyway.