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瞧这拥挤的交通。Look at the traffic.

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拥挤的鸭塘。In the hustled duck pond.

那条路太拥挤了。The road was too crowded.

不要过度拥挤的鱼。Do not overcrowd the fish.

在前面的一个拥挤的清真寺。In front of a packed masjid.

地面上的生活很拥挤。Life aboveground is crowded.

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B是的,那里对我来说太拥挤了。BYes, it was too busy for me.

那是一列过分拥挤的火车。That is an overcrowded train.

为了避免这条街交通太拥挤。To avoid jams in this street.

他跳上了拥挤的公共汽车。He jumped on the crowded bus.

不再拥挤的小室。Small rooms no longer crowded!

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拥挤的车辆阻塞了道路。Heavy traffic blocked the road.

公共汽车总是非常拥挤。The bus is always over-crowded.

不再拥挤的小室。Small rooms are no longer crowded.

候车室里相当拥挤。The waiting-room is quite crowded.

这是一个拥挤的大城市,小饼干。This is a big, busy city, Biscuit.

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解放碑广场总是很拥挤。Jiefangbei Square is always crowded.

这些街道交通拥挤。The streets are crowed with traffic.

在拥挤的汽车里他的钱让人偷走了。He was pickpocketed on a crowded bus.