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这很耐人寻味。Well, it's very interesting.

网站上还有一个耐人寻味的论坛。It also has a meaty discussion forum.

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在一个可以开始出汗颇耐人寻味。One may begin perspiring at the very thought.

她这话耐人寻味。What she has said affords much food for thought.

这篇散文似乎信手拈来,但却耐人寻味。The essay seems to come in handy, but intriguing.

洛基为这种追求提供了一个耐人寻味的设置。Loki provides an intriguing setting for this pursuit.

这本身就是一个耐人寻味的故事,原因如下This in itself is an interesting story for several reasons.

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潘向黎为我们讲述了一个耐人寻味的女性情感故事。Panxiangli tells us a thought-provoking story of feminie emotion.

只要看看男士杂志封面上的特色内容简介,你就会发现它们的内容比你在女士杂志中看到的内容更耐人寻味。They’re often much meatier than the fare you find in women’s magazines.

上口和耐人寻味的,他们惊喜,撩拨的想象力。Both catchy and intriguing, they surprise and titillate the imagination.

因此,更耐人寻味的实际上是赵波做出上述评论的时间。So what is actually far more interesting is the timing of Dr. Bo’s comments.

然而,两位“太子党成员”在一起的寓意却是耐人寻味的。But the prospect of two "princelings" getting together has proved intriguing.

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他在结尾表示,他喜欢这种酒的甜度,以及那种“耐人寻味,而且非常奇妙的辛辣口感”。He liked its sweetness and the "intriguing, very odd spicy note" in the finish.

对于职称与职责的问题,耶稣的处理方式非常耐人寻味。It's interesting how Jesus dealt with the issue of titles and responsibilities.

耐人寻味的是,我们本来应该想像到,将配种的次数铭记下来。And it is quite curious that one should have imagined inscribing number of times.

在人类形体中没有故事是完美的,且多数可笑得耐人寻味。No story in human form is perfect, and most have convolutions worthy of laughter.

在王重阳劝化马丹阳的过程中,关于藏头拆字词的运用耐人寻味。The use of acrostics is thought-provoking when Wang Chongyang exhorts Ma Danyang.

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此酒蕴含的山莓,蓝莓香氛在椰子的烘烤香气衬托下颇耐人寻味。The wine offers a chewy, raspberry-blueberry core that is cloaked in toasty coconut.

酒体丰腴,单宁丰富,耐人寻味,但不乏醇香的水果口味。此酒颇为强劲,浑厚。Full-bodied, and chewy with lots of tannins but loads of fruit. A muscular, big wine.

近看,耐人寻味,在粗犷的斧凿中行走着蜿蜒的线。Traceable among the rough marks of hatchet and chisel were delicate lines zigzagging.