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他的英语是靠函授学习的。His English was taught by correspondence.

她在函授学校修法语课程。She took a French course in a correspondence school.

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她在函授黉舍修法语课程。she took a french course in a correspondence school.

他很早动身湖南农业大学函授报名,最后结果赶上了第一班车。He set off early so that he could catch the first bus.

2000年在信经神学院读函授研究生,肄业。In 2000, she studied the graduate courses at Xinjing Theological Seminary.

许多不同类型的人已经从函授学校毕业。Many different kinds of people have graduated from correspondence schools.

像这里的许多人一样,他正在通过函授攻读一个大学学位。Like many here, he is working on a college degree by correspondence course.

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市场开发部是哈萨克斯坦函授学校的一个新的部门。Marketing department is a new organizational subsection in ESHKO Kazakhstan.

公安函授教育是公安机关培养专门人才的重要途径之一。Correspondence Education is an important way to police training in our country.

教学质量是党校函授教育的生命线。Teaching quality is the lifeblood of the party school correspondence education.

一些函授学校拥有一些培训课程可以帮助人们得到工业方面的工作。Today more than a million Americans are taking some kind of a correspondence course.

该决定的,评审团是终局的,没有函授,将进入。The decisions of the judging panel are final and no correspondence will be entered into.

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出于共同对食物的热爱,两人1977年一起拿到了冰激凌制作的函授课程。Sharing a love of food, the pair took a correspondence course in ice-cream making in 1977.

那些借助函授成功地通过期末考试的学生,会获得欧洲函授测试证书。Those who successfully passed final exams by correspondence are given ESCC exam Certificate.

对电视教育、函授的可行性也作了探讨。The study also deals with the feasibility of its TV education and teaching by correspondence.

现在欧洲函授学校在俄罗斯教育市场是一个领先的远程学习课程供应商。Now ESCC is one of the leading providers of distance learning courses on Russian education market.

在今天,我们有全日制高校,函授学校,现在还有网上大学。These days there are brick and mortar colleges, correspondence schools and there are online colleges.

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函授教师在函授教育中处于主导地位,起着关键作用。Correspondence teacher is in the leading status and playing a key role in the correspondence education.

该大学的课程主要通过电视、广播、函授、录像和学习中心网等手段来完成。University courses are followed through TV, radio, correspondence, video and a network of study centers.

函授教学的特殊性规定了函授教师职业道德的特殊本质。The particularity of correspondence teaching decides the special essence of teachers professional ethics.