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埃及人还发明了甘草精。The Egyptians also invented licorice.

绿豆,薏苡仁,甘草,西谷米。Green Bean, Coix Seed, sweet root, sago.

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我们大多数人知道甘草作为一种好吃。Most of us know licorice as a tasty treat.

甘草根茶对缓解喉咙痛是有帮助。Licorice root tea is great for sore throats.

尝起来有点苦,且散发着与甘草类似的芬芳。It has a bitter taste and a hay-like fragrance.

富有橄榄、红醋栗和甘草气味。Aromas of black olive, red currant and licorice.

甘草提取物通常由根制成。A Licorice extract is usually made from the root.

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蓝莓、甘草与皮革的芬芳丰饶馥郁。Aromas are rich with blueberry, licorice and leather.

十一只猫头鹰舔吃十一枝甘草棒棒糖。Eleven owls licked eleven little liquorice lollipops.

甘草甜素能明显减少空斑的形成。Glycyrrhizin greatly inhibited the forming of plaque units.

美利奴羔羊防风根,香料烧烤,牛皮菜,甘草。Parsnip, Spice Roasted and Braised, Swiss Chard, Liquorice.

肉桂棒,甘草根、香草荚。Spices, like cinnamon stick, liquorice root or vanilla pod.

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除了中国,甘草糖在亚洲是如何流行的?Apart from China, How popular are liquorice candies in Asia ?

研究了甘草黄酮对小鼠的抗衰老作用。Studied the antisenility effect of liquorice flavone on mice.

茴芹种子利口酒,有欧亚甘草味。A liqueur flavoured with anise seed, giving a licorice flavour.

依法管理草地和大力开展人工种植甘草的建议。According to the law of gover nm nt and plant the Ural licorice.

这么说,您那一大麻袋甘草就是为了这个?Say so, you is that marijuana bag licorice for the sake of this?

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目的对吉尔吉斯斯坦野生粗毛甘草进行生药学研究。Objective To study pharmacognosy of wild Glycyrrhiza aspera Pall.

“这酒甜丝丝的就象甘草,”姑娘说,一边放下酒杯。"It tastes like licorice, " the girl said and put the glass down.

解甘草甜素DGL已成为为“衬塔默”之称的一个很好的理由!DGL has become known as "The Lining Tamer" for a very good reason!