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救死扶伤是医生份内的工作。Saving lives is what doctors should do.

医生的神圣职责是救死扶伤。A physician's sacred duty is to heal the sick.

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他指出,大部分救死扶伤的手术已经进行完毕。He notes most life-saving operations have taken place.

就在这样的条件下,我们进行了两年的救死扶伤工作。In such conditions, we had two years of life-saving work.

我是一个医生,一心一意救死扶伤,至少正在朝这个方向努力。I'm a doctor dedicated to curing the sick, at least trying to.

但要鼓舞他人,你并不一定非要救死扶伤或赢取奖牌。But to be inspirational you don't have to save lives or win medals.

这名医生把他的一生献给了这个热带国家的救死扶伤事业。The doctor dedicated his life to the sick people in the tropical country.

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救死扶伤,实行革命的人道主义。Heal the wounded ,rescue the dying ,practice revolutionary humanitarianism.

长孙无蓉在战地医院协助方神医救死扶伤。No President in the field hospital to assist party together to make Tuesday.

它们让医生们为救死扶伤而进行复杂的手术成为可能。They make it possible for doctors to perform complicated surgery to save lives.

怎么我们从前救死扶伤的白衣天使会变成今天披着医生外衣的狼?How come some former life-saving " angels " became " wolves in doctor's clothing?"

她也曾在战斗中或战斗结束后,冒险上战场去救死扶伤。At the end of the day, some forty thousand dead and wounded lay on the battlefield.

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K巴苏曾前往中国北部地区,东奔西走,救死扶伤,历时将近五年。K. Basu came to Northern China and travelled around to save lives for nearly five years.

人体器官移植为人类医学救死扶伤带来革命性的变化。The transplanting of human organs has brought about a revolution for our medical treating.

曾几何时,医生是人们眼中的“白衣天使”,救死扶伤是他们的天职。Once upon a time, doctors are seen as "angels in white", life-saving is their bounden duty.

国际红十字会组织一直都在全世界各地致力于救死扶伤!The Red Cross International has been actively involved in rescue efforts all over the world.

我们共同努力是十分必要的,我们在这么做的同时也在履行保护我国公民,救死扶伤和抚慰受害者的道义责任。Through these efforts, we fulfill a moral duty to protect our citizens, heal the sick, and comfort the afflicted.

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在他救死扶伤之际,当年巴士底囚徒的外表和故事使他远离众人。In the exercise of his skill, the appearance and the story of the Bastille Captive removed him from all other men.

全世界都知道救死扶伤是医生的天职。It is universally acknowledged that it is the doctor’s duty and obligation to heal the wounded and rescue the dying.

正是这个“救死扶伤”的口碑使当地政府对“乐夫诊所”建立了信任,从而使双方进入了正式的官方合作关系。This has enabled us to build up the trust of local government so that we can now enter into an exciting new partnership.