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但是有些还是下落不明。But some remained unaccounted for.

卡扎菲上校至今仍下落不明。Colonel Gaddafi's whereabouts remain unknown.

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目前仍有一个叫皮皮的姐姐下落不明。The fate of one sister, Pepi, remains unknown.

还有5个喷泉领导人下落不明。There are still five fountain-heads unaccounted for.

在短暂的春宵后,女子却忽然下落不明。Spring Night In short, the woman suddenly unaccounted for.

有幅古画现在下落不明。The whereabouts of one of the ancient paintings is unknown.

卡扎菲上校和他的家人仍下落不明。The whereabouts of the colonel and his family are still unknown.

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南山陆町就有将近10000人下落不明。One town, Minamisanriku, had about 10,000 people unaccounted for.

凡是可能去到的地方他们都进行了搜索,以寻找这个下落不明的小姑娘。They raked through every possible place to find the missing girl.

命运9荫仁静从这个角度上是下落不明。The fate of the 9 Yum Jen Ging from that point on is unaccounted for.

赛努西及其共事的高级官员依然下落不明。The whereabouts of Mr. Senussi and his senior colleagues are unknown.

从东京来的祖父只把八岁的妹妹朝子带走,而母亲仍然下落不明。One day his grandfather comes to the center, takes only Asako, and leaves.

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目前仍有一名工人下落不明,救难人员正积极地搜救中。One worker remains missing and rescuers are frantically searching for him.

之前,含有一家铝制品厂所排放红泥的水坝决口,有毒化学淤泥淹没了三个村庄,致使四人死亡,一百多人受伤,三个人下落不明,数以百计的家庭被疏散。Three people are unaccounted for and hundreds of families have been evacuated

这意味着这笔资金不仅是下落不明,而且可能一去不返。All of which means the money might not just be missing, it could be gone for good.

4日,日本媒体惊传酒井法子下落不明,其母表示她已失踪超过24小时,目前已报警。Sakai has been missing for over 24 hours, her mother told local media on August 4.

昼夜既然在下落不明的断电泪痕里侵蚀了情深迷离的倩影。The night in missing since the power eroded the traces figures of love is blurred.

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宫城县南三陆町有约1万人仍下落不明。Up to 10,000 people remained unaccounted for in Minamisanriku of Miyagi Prefecture.

西内洋行的家庭遭到地震蹂躏,他堂兄的尸体刚被发现,但其祖母仍下落不明。His cousin’s body was found recently, while his cousin’s grandmother is still missing.

海南西沙北礁失去联络的56名渔民中,仍有18人下落不明。In Hainan, 18 of the 56 fishermen trapped on the North Reef of Xisha are still missing.