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我们必须对乡镇经济进行重组。We must retool the town's economy.

您别看现在的樟林是一个内陆乡镇。At present Zhanglin is an inland town.

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铁路把各乡镇与首都连接起来。Railway lines link country with the capital.

此五类药物使用也明显多于对照乡镇。The intervention group used more drugs for patients.

中国各地的城市和乡镇都纷纷兴建博物馆。CITIES and towns across China are rushing to build museums.

他们都学过汉语,来自全美各城市和乡镇。And they come from cities and towns across the United States.

每一个乡镇,每一个村庄,都至少需要一位莫迪那样的领导人。Every town and village need at least one leader like mr modi.

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截至23日中午,共有27乡镇28万余人受灾,2万多间房屋受损,4人受伤。More than 20000 homes were damaged and 4 people were injured.

乡镇级没有定编的体育干部,只有兼任。The villages and towns don' t have the formal sport managers.

每一个重要城市与乡镇都拥有一座哥德式大教堂。A main public road, especially one connecting towns and cities.

石国豹所在的石集乡,是泗洪高利贷最为密集的乡镇。Shi Guobao's stone village, Sihong is the most populated towns.

新发现北京顺义区仍有饮水高砷暴露乡镇。Shu nyi district of Beijing has high arsenic in drinking water.

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乡镇通信抢修及保障工作进展情况。The progress of communication repairing and safeguard in towns.

他是四乡八村有名的乡镇企业家。He is a well-known township entrepreneur in and around the town.

金乡镇是一个具有600多年历史的文明古镇。King Township is a town of 600 years of history of civilization.

调查乡镇级免疫接种人员66人,均持证上岗。There were 66 township level vaccination staff to be investigated.

权力集中型政治体制是导致乡镇负债的政治根源。Power-centralized political system is political origin of the debt.

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许多沿海岸的小乡镇都曾历尽沧桑。Many small communities along the coast have seen good times and bad.

第三部分,分析农村九年制义务教育与乡镇财政的关系。The compulsory education benefits from township and town' s finance.

我的情况是在湖北山区一个乡镇政府工作。My situation is a mountainous area in Hubei township government work.