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她哭成了一个泪人。She is crying in tears.

她哭成了一个泪人。She was bathed in tears.

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就打算一直站在那儿听我哭成泪人?Just gonna stand there and hear me cry?

她哭得泪人似的,再也说不出话。She was full of tears and could speak no more.

她哭得如同泪人一样,可一句话也不说。She was all wet with tears, but just said nothing.

每个人都安静得像只老鼠,苏茜更哭得像个泪人,我敢肯定。They sat still as mice, and Susie cried quarts, I know she did.

天恒路经公园寻获思汝,见她已哭成泪人。Day after park found Si Heng Ru, see she has been crying into tears.

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是什么把眼前这个坚如磐石的女人哭成了泪人?What turns a stone-hard woman into the blubbering mess I see before me?

她趴在五奶奶的棺材上哭成个泪人,谁都劝不起她来。She bent over the coffin and wept herself into all tears. Nobody could stop her.

碰见了那个场面的丰美感到懊悔嫉妒,心里难以忍受哭成了泪人。Run into the scene the sweet jealous regret, the in the mind to bear a cry of tears.

虎沂东打电话给秀杰,秀杰在那边哭的跟个泪人似的。Tiger interpretation of east call show jie, show jie over there with a cry like tears.

事过境迁,她接受专访时透露其实在人后却哭成泪人。During the interview, she revealed that she cried her heart out every night when she was alone.

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看着润泉妻子哭成泪人的桂兰,终决议向雷刚屈从。Looking at runquan wife crying into tears to end the resolution, the laurel orchid LeiGang selves.

到达医院时珍妮还在抢救中,蓝菱已担心得哭成泪人。Arrived at the hospital is still in the rescue, Jenny LanLing have worry too crying into a crybaby.

赛后,孙凤武哭成一个泪人,他执教的球队输了,没能升级。After the game, Sun Fengwu cries a tear person, he teaches the team has lost, has not been able to promote.

在那儿有大约15个陌生人,他们都趴在地上帮助哭成泪人的我找戒指。About 15 strangers in the area got down on their hands and knees to help my sobbing mess self search for my ring.

晓燕来到虎一帆的宿舍里哭的跟个泪人似的,虎一帆边拿纸巾给她擦着眼泪,便抚慰着她,这止住晓燕的眼泪。Xiaoyan capable to tiger in the dormitory of the cry with a tears like, tiger is capable to her side take paper towel to wipe the tears, and comfort her, and it stopped xiaoyan tears.