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这鸟不时啼叫。The bird sometimes sings.

这鸟不时啼叫。The birds sometimes sings.

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这个月不时地下雨。It rained at intervals this month.

他不时对手表瞥上一眼。He glanced repeatedly at his watch.

演讲不时给嘘声打断。His speech was punctuated by catcalls.

得胜与否不时只是一念之差。Successis often just a thought off of.

这周我不时地就谈起罗西尼。I'm talking this week of Roseanne Barr.

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那个讲演的人不时地看发言稿。The speaker often referred to his notes.

他一边走,一边不时地往后看。He looked behind from to time as he went.

她不时地从旁边的幕帐向外窥视。She kept peering through the side curtain.

但海伦还是不时地听见他们的耳语。But Helen heard their whispers now and then.

骨骼被不时构成和再吸收。Bone is constantly being formed and resorbed.

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田地经过不时旳休耕可得到改良。Fields are improved by lying fallow at times.

奥巴马36分钟的冷静演讲不时的被掌声所打断。It was a sober 36-minute speech by Mr. Obama.

不时犒赏自己在饮食和锻炼方面的坚持Rewarding yourself for dieting and exercising

他一边走,一边不时地往后看。He looked behind from time to time as he went.

不时地与你所关心的人联系。Contact people you care about before and after.

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他们不时地改换住宅。They changed their dwellings from time to time.

之后他们不时地聊聊天,起初是在电话里。And they talked regularly, at first on the phone.

赤热的泉水不时自地底喷出。Hot spring spouted out from underground at times.