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互助组每天还用三、五分钟作公开的自我批评。Three to five minutes each day were also used by such groups for public self-criticism.

玛丽安。赖特。埃德尔曼1973年在华盛顿创建了“儿童保护基金”这个倡议互助组织。It was there, in 1973, that she founded the advocacy group called the Children's Defense Fund.

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他们串联了几户农民组织起了一个生产互助组。After land reform, they linked up several farmers and organized an agriculture mutual-aid team.

不同组织模式总体评价结果为烟农互助组最佳。Overall farmers mutual aid was the best in the evaluation results of different organization models.

我们还在一切老解放区大大推广了农业生产互助组的组织。We greatly extended the organization of agricultural producer's mutual-aid teams in all the old liberated.

其中互助组与初级社是成功的,高级社却为中国农业发展带来了巨大创伤。The cooperation group and primary community were successful, but the superior community brought serious damage.

我们还在一切老解放区大大地推广了农业生产互助组的组织。We in all the old liberated areas greatly extended the organization of agricultural producers' mutual-aid teams.

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让孩子加入当地互助组织,例如一些小组在一起学习,进行实地考察旅行,或有的家长交换子女进行授课。Join a local support group. Some groups study together, go on field trips and take turns teaching each other's children.

但是读者也不能从此得出结论说,不用动员,农民就会参加互助组。But let not the reader conclude from the extent of these mutual work teams that the peasant was Joining them without persuasion.

当一个班撤离一个村庄时,互助组检查从老百姓那儿借来的东西是否退还了。When a squad moved out of a village, the self-help groups checked to see that everything borrowed from the people had been returned.

从成本收益看,烟农互助组模式最高。种烟大户次之,职业烟农最低。From the cost benefit, farmers mutual aid team was the highest, followed by large household, and professional farmers were the lowest.

如果开展小母牛的项目,镇政府可以送给每个互助组一台饲料粉碎机。Also mentioned by the town official was that if Heifer project got implemented, the government could offer each SHG a forage comminuting machine.

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Blaney建议,可以创办一个多个家庭组成的互助组,轮流合伙使用汽车、监督家庭作业以及保证孩子们安全、快乐。Create a multi-family co-op, suggests Blaney. Rotate responsibility each week for carpooling, supervising homework, and keeping the kids happy and safe.

香港学者日后应对本土和外国来港的志愿团体多作个案研究,范围还应包括较小规模的互助组织。The authors hence suggest that students of social policy should conduct more case studies on these organizations and also other mutual-aid groups in Hong Kong.

劳动互助社和耕田队,是当时革命根据地的农民在个体经济的基础上,为调剂劳动力以便进行生产而建立起来的劳动互助组织。Mutual-aid groups and ploughing teams, based on individual farming, were formed by peasants in the Red areas to facilitate production through a better organization of labour power.