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对于人与人之间的合作,疑神疑鬼总是有害。The suspicion of Procris is always harmful to teamwork.

而且她既不会疑神疑鬼,也不会限制你的自由。She will not be suspicious and never limited your freedom.

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说人们疑神疑鬼已经是轻描淡写啦。To say that people are skeptical is the grossest understatement.

费利蒂医生后来了解到,埃拉发胖了之后,她丈夫就不再那么对她疑神疑鬼了。When Ella was overweight, Felitti learned, her husband was less suspicious.

每次女朋友跟别人发短信的时候,他都不禁感到疑神疑鬼的。Every time a girlfriend texts someone else, he can't help but feel suspicious.

爸爸的眼睛眯成了浅蓝色的细缝,疑神疑鬼的老毛病又犯了。Pa’s eyes narrowed down to pale-blue slits. All the usual paranoia had settled in.

他摇着头说道,“真倒霉,当然,你又不能改名,选民会疑神疑鬼的。You can’t change your name, of course. Voters are suspicious of that kind of thing.

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这个成语比喻疑神疑鬼,自相惊扰。This idiom indicates a condition of being over suspicious bringing trouble on oneself.

我相信我在她们眼里,一定是一个年纪比她们大,不信任任何人,整天疑神疑鬼的美国人。I was sure I was just weird to them, some older, freaked-out American who trusted no one.

不过他跟家里人什么都没说,他对阿基里斯的恐惧听起来太疑神疑鬼了,他连自己信不信任他们都不确定。But he said nothing of this to his family. His fears about Achilles would sound too paranoid.

从古至今,人们平昔都在说,只须你疑神疑鬼,就能达成所愿。It has been said throughout history that whatever you believe with conviction, you can achieve.

亨利七世的人物形象不仅神秘莫测,疑神疑鬼,而且贪得无厌,冷酷无情,并长期被历史漏掉或忽略掉。MYSTERIOUS, suspicious, avaricious, cold, the figure of Henry VII has long been skipped over or ignored.

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“她病得很厉害,很虚弱,”苏艾说,“高烧烧得她疑神疑鬼,满脑袋都是希奇古怪的念头。"She is very ill and weak, " said Sue, "and the fever has left her mind morbid and full of strange fancies.

阮经天说,他以前没有安全感,所以才有这种表现,而且他不喜欢女生轻浮,会让人疑神疑鬼。Ethan said that he had no sense of security before so that he didn't like flirtatious girl about which he would suspicious.

约翰的疑神疑鬼让他终身受苦,他经常因为害怕背叛而裹足不前,结果丧失了趁热打铁的大好机会。John's paranoia would overwhelm him, and instead of striking while the iron was hot, he would hesitate for fear of betrayal.

我正这样东想西想,疑神疑鬼,反省默想的时候,忽然有一天,我觉得这一切也许是我个人的幻觉。In the middle of these cogitations, apprehensions and reflections, it came into my thought one day, that all this might BE a mere chimera of my own.

他是一个纯粹意义上的成功人士,他有着无可挑剔的精致外表,可是在这之下,他却是一个纠缠于过去,疑神疑鬼,心神不宁的人。He's an alpha male in the purest sense, yet under his impeccably crafted exterior lies a man tormented by his past and crippled by his own insecurities.

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希望美方有的人不要总是疑神疑鬼,既然卖债券,就要根据市场原则处理,不要把什么事情都政治化。We hope some persons in the US not be so paranoid. Since you are selling bonds, things need to be handled according to market rules and should not be politicized.

他说他和萨达姆2002年底就确信美国要入侵,他陪同疑神疑鬼的联合国调查人员巡视伊拉克,收效甚微。He said that he and Saddam were convinced that the US was going to invade by late 2002, and his job of escorting sceptical UN inspectors around Iraq was largely futile.

近来,总觉得有一双眼睛在私下窥视我这种感觉很强烈,让我惶恐不安,丈夫滕嘉铭笑我疑神疑鬼,死党小荷说我更年期提前。Recently, a pair of eyes always feel that I am in private peering very strong feeling, let me anxious, suspicious husband Teng Jiaming laugh at me, my best friend Xiao said early menopause.