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拿破仑·波拿巴是绝无仅有的几个人之一。Napoleon Bonaparte was one of the few.

在印尼这是一个大新闻,但是我们相信或许这样的情况放眼世界也绝无仅有。This is currently big news in Indonesia.

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玩具反斗城的挫折并非绝无仅有。Toys “R” Us’s frustration is not unique.

这是我听到的同类情况中绝无仅有的。It is the only case of that kind I ever heard of.

这是现在市场上绝无仅有的“零排放”车型。This is the only zero-emission car on the market.

人类的感情最特别的就是单恋,那是绝无仅有的。The most special feeling of human is the blind love.

换句话说,我们是绝无仅有的供方。In other words, we are the only ones with anything to offer.

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将同性恋妖魔化的事例在历史上并非绝无仅有。Examples of demonization of homosexuality is not unique in history.

梅特库斯所经历的这类现象是罕见的,但并非绝无仅有。The type of phenomena experienced by Kus is rare, but not unheard of.

在经文的描述中,这样重复地强调欢乐是绝无仅有的。It is unparallel in the scripture where there is such emphasis on joy.

每次暴风雨都是一次大自然的绝无仅有的精彩演出。Each storm provides a remarkable drama, one without parallel in nature.

体验这种增长是汽车行业绝无仅有的机会。Never again will the automotive industry experience this kind of growth.

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团长蹦蹦跳先生,是世界上绝无仅有、空前绝后的跳蚤大师。Head Mr. Beng Bengtiao, is unique in the world, unprecedented flea master.

她是我见到过的最甜的女孩子了,堪称绝无仅有!She is the sweetest girl I have ever met in the world. She is next to none!

书中对外星生物圈的描写可以说是绝无仅有。But the vast majority of Leinster stuff is uninspired , and that is being kind.

这种机缘巧合在美国历史上是绝无仅有,不可能被复制了。Such serendipity is anomalous in American history, and unlikely to be repeated.

人类的感情最特别的就是单恋,那是绝无仅有的。The most special feeling of human is the blind love. That's the unique.

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还有一个极其重要的因素是达芬奇本人在艺术史上是一位绝无仅有的人。It was also crucial that Leonardo was a man unlike any other in the history of art.

几乎绝无仅有的是,艾达不仅有骨头,还有皮毛和肌肉。Almost uniquely, we not only have the bones, but we also have the fur and the flesh.

在密苏里州的莫伯利,这样的人绝无仅有,只可能出现在杂志上。No one in Moberly, Missouri, looked anything like this. Like they could be in a magazine.