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她将被再生,如此而已。She will be born once more, that's all.

马吕斯在帽子上缠了一条黑纱,仅如此而已。Marius wore crape on his hat. That was all.

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“啊,你只是自以为如此而已,”他开玩笑似地回答。Oh, you just think you do, " he replied, jestingly ."

哦,我不知道。我只是有点闷闷不乐,如此而已。Oh I do not know. I am just a little down, that's all.

哦,我不知道。我只觉得有点抑郁,如此而已。Oh I don't know. I'm just a bit depressed, that's all.

但帕帕都普勒斯表示,防护所能做到的仅仅如此而已。Yet shields can do only so much, Papadopoulos reports.

用美国的方式来问候别人,就仅仅如此而已吗?Is that all there is to greeting people American-style?

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他会读会写,还会一点算术,但是仅仅如此而已。He could read, write, and do a little arithmetic, but that was all.

只有一种状况与另一种状况的比较,如此而已。There is only the comparison of one state with another, nothing more.

“生活”是个稀罕玩意儿,大部分人只是“生存”在这世上,如此而已。To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.

福尼尔的调查揭露了一个犯有异端邪说罪过的村庄,但也仅仅如此而已。Fournier's inquisition uncovered a village guilty of heresy, but little else.

要做的就是捕获应用程序需要的所有信息,如此而已。You should capture all the information needed for your application and no more.

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之前养她的老女人把她作为一个伴儿,如此而已。The elderly woman who owned her formerly regarded her as a companion, and nothing more.

物换星移,浮生苦短,是非恩怨,如此而已。过去的事就让它过去吧,未来会是全新的开始。Leaving is always a sad thing, but it would also be a fresh start. New start, new adventure.

我见东野稷的坐骑疲态已露,所以预料它立刻就要出错,如此而已。I saw his horse appearing exhaustion, so I predicted that it would make a mistake. That's all.

起初,我尚等闲视之,认为其生长速度不过若蜗牛爬行,慢慢腾腾,如此而已。At first, I do lightly, that its growth rate, however, if a snail crawling slowly steaming, so it.

在他眼里那只不过是二十二元钱的一张支票,可以买一点东西吃,如此而已。To him it was a check for twenty-two dollars, that was all, and it would buy him something to eat.

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如果那些企业真有那个一刻将预测他们未来的水晶球紧紧包裹,这可能也就是表面上如此而已。If ever there was a moment for firms to keep their crystal balls under wraps, this may appear to be it.

因为大家只是入戏太深了,但我和孝全就是普通朋友,如此而已!Because everyone is too engaged in the show's storyline, Joseph and I are simply friends, and that's all!

终有一天,姚明会成为名人堂的一员,因为他并不只“如此而已”那么简单。Someday, he belongs in the Basketball Hall of Fame because his won't simply be a story of what could've been.