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朋友之义,难在义字千变万化。Friend, is the righteous word.

我的意思是,她是千变万化的。I mean, I mean she is ever-changing.

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斯里兰卡是一个千变万化和精彩万分的人间天堂。Sri Lanka is a protean and wonderful paradise.

夕阳西下时,天空的颜色千变万化。At sunset the sky became a kaleidoscope of colors.

现今珠饰品工艺随着时尚潮流而千变万化。Today the richness of beadwork varies with fashion.

世事千变万化,然这艘船每次只载2000人。But 2000 people at a time and there're old wishes here.

所以环境的千变万化是非常有用的。Therefore, the ever-changing environment is very useful.

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距离和宽度看似相等的格局,实则千变万化,巧夺天工。Distances and widths that appear equal are in fact expertly varied.

呼吸总是运动的,思想也总是千变万化。The pranas are always moving, and the mind is ever-changing as well.

多系统受累的临床表现是千变万化的。The clinical manifestations are protean with multisystem involvement.

探照灯和焰火使得天空的颜色千变万化。The search lights and the fireworks made the sky a kaleidoscope of colour.

小男孩梦见那头母牛、小牛、火车、耕犁,千变万化的幻影相互冲击。The boy dreams of calf, cow, train, and plow in a phantasmagoric collision.

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据新华社电高楼火灾中,火势往往随高楼内部结构而千变万化。AP high-rise fires, often with high-rise fire ever-changing internal structure.

我们的关系多像积木啊,不堪一击却又千变万化。We're more like blocks, but the myriads of changes cannot withstand a single blow.

它是个既随意又千变万化的集合,而且经常把事情的原因丢到一边。It's an arbitrary and ever-changing rule set that often pushes reason to the sidelines.

所有的主题基本上做同样的事情,但是呈现信息的方式如图形一样,千变万化。All do basically the same thing but graphically present the information in a myriad of ways.

个人的生活是千变万化的,我们应该随时调整才能符合实际。Personal life is a phantasmagoria, we should at any time adjust and then can match physically.

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合肥百度优化的千变万化无外乎就是内容和外链,出问题的地方也无外乎这两个方面。SEO's protean content and the chain is not a problem, the place also capable these two aspects.

细致闪亮的深浅渐变色调,随着您的每个动作而千变万化。Create a glimmering a gradation of colour from sophisticated dark to light shades with every move.

“千变万化”是形式,“存乎一心”是内心可被计量的痛苦、快乐、哀愁,等等。" Protean " it is a form, "Put of one mind " it is a heart but by metric anguish, happy, sad, etc.