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金钱让人眉开眼笑。Money makes a man laugh.

我停下,维斯眉开眼笑地望着我。I pause. Wes beams up at me.

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琳达眉开眼笑地对我举起两根手指。Linda held up two fingers andbeamed.

一阵眉开眼笑的喜色好象改变了老人的容貌。A wonderful joy had transfigured this old man.

玛丽一看到男友就对他眉开眼笑起来。Mary grinned at her boyfriend the moment she saw him.

他高兴得眉开眼笑,仿佛见到祥龙咏唱。He looked happy as if hearing Auspicious Dragon Chant.

像一位10岁小孩一样地微笑,史必哲眉开眼笑地看著空旷的看台。Beaming like a 10-year-old, Spitzer ogled the empty stands.

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他当然高兴,像孩子一般眉开眼笑,立刻呼朋引伴去了。He certainly happy, grin like a child who, once their friends went.

他放下话筒,眉开眼笑,用口哨吹著一首快乐的曲子。He replaced the receiver, beaming from ear to ear, whistling a happy tune.

刚当上父亲的他第一次见到出生的孩子时,高兴得眉开眼笑。The new father beamed with pleasure when he saw the baby for the first time.

尽管政府很为两派对立的局面发愁,当地裁缝却眉开眼笑。Despite the local government's headache about the situation, local tailors are very happy.

她吃的心满意足,看的母亲眉开眼笑,笑容从心里流淌到脸上。She eats to one's heart's content, see mother look cheerful smile from the heart, to face.

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听到他的考试成绩后,他眉开眼笑地在校园里漫步。After hearing the results of his exam he walked around campus with a smile from ear to ear.

当维克特将手伸进口袋掏出丝绒珠宝盒时,克莱儿眉开眼笑。Claire beamed as Victor reached into his pocket, pulling out the velvet-covered jewelry box.

他是我见过的最快乐,最乐观的人,他总是眉开眼笑的。He’s one of the most lighthearted, optimistic guys I’ve ever met – always smiling from ear to ear.

蓝莓和家里的人一一握手,然后眉开眼笑地站着直到被邀请坐下来。Blueberry shook hands all round, and then stood smiling from ear to ear until he was asked to be seated.

“我每次来,”他责备白花说,“你好像总是闷闷不乐。可是,每次喜功来时你就眉开眼笑。”"Whenever I come, " he complained to White Flower, "you look glum , but every time Hsikung comes you look happy.

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她回忆起她大孙女蕾切尔出生的时候眉开眼笑,很显然,这是她人生中最快乐的时光之一。She beams when she recalls the day Rachel, her first granddaughter, was born—clearly, one of the happiest of her life.

“这是我最轰动的公众事件”,梅特卡夫眉开眼笑地说道,他那种时而浮现的自负神情下有种潜在的魅力。“That was my greatest publicity stunt of all time,” beams Dr Metcalfe, whose intermittent vainglory obscures an underlying charm.

可是现在呢?有一天男人正睡着觉,女人蛮不讲理地将他推醒。睡眼中,他看见女人手提一只大耗子的尾巴,正眉开眼笑地展示着她的劳动成果。But now, you can often see that a woman would wake her husband up with a big mouse in hand when he is still in sound sleep, showing her ability gleefully.