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我都六神无主了。I got so scared.

因此,斯洛普先生离开她的时候感到六神无主。Mr. Slope had thus left her quite bewildered.

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人们告诉他那悲惨的消息后,他已六神无主了。He went to pieces when they told him the tragic news.

听到这个消息后,他吓得六神无主。Having heard such news, he was frightened out of his sense.

在过去的几周里,她越来越六神无主。Over the past several weeks, she had grown increasingly restless.

高母突然失踪,高飞六神无主,大家齐出动帮高飞寻找。High mother suddenly disappeared, goofy, everybody out help goofy looking.

那个可怜的男孩见父亲到处找棍子,感到六神无主。The poor boy was on tenterhooks when his father was searching for a stick.

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众人一看钦差大人的马儿死在了马厩里,一时吓得六神无主。All the people see the governors of adult horse died in the stable, frighten a dump.

七宝吓的六神无主,完全没了主意。Six absolute beings that seven treasures scare were ownerless, entirely had not mind.

我瞅了一眼他那关切而又无辜的表情,又被他那双金色眼睛的力量弄得六神无主,不知所措了。I looked at his concerned, innocent expression and was disoriented again by the force of his gold-colored eyes.

奥立弗虽然忧心忡忡,却被费根咄咄逼人的狡黠目光以及自己的种种思虑搅得六神无主。Although Oliver felt very anxious, he was much confused by the earnest cunning of Fagin's looks and his own speculations.

六神无主的艾达连忙跑回别墅,哭着喊着要爸爸,要爸爸——来带她离开,哎呀,天哪!Terrified, she fled back to the villa, calling in a loud voice for her father, her father—to come and take her away, Oh, God!

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对这位自称几天上不了网就六神无主的作家来说,这个发现是一个“惊喜”。Profess to this a few skies not for the writer that the net is in a state of utter stupefaction , this discovery is " surprise ".

耶稣说∶很多人「要因恐惧而昏绝」,将慌张得六神无主,心中尽是「惊惶失措」。Many people, says Jesus, will be "fainting with fear. "Panic and horror cripple people and fill them with "distress and perplexity.

阿富汗战争和进行医疗改革的努力等一些紧迫事情,并没有令奥巴马六神无主.向美国人民显示这一点对奥巴马来说至关重要.It is vital for Obama to show Americans he is not getting distracted by other pressing issues like the war in Afghanistan and his effort to overhaul the healthcare system.

欧阳继表示少龙证实二人分居一年,所以申请离婚,亚磊则表示离婚也要与少龙分身家,瑞薏六神无主,只希望与少龙见面。Ouyang said the little dragon confirmed that two men separated a year, so apply for divorce, the lei said divorce should also be busy with little dragons, rui job, just want to see little dragon.