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你常把这些农药四处乱放吗?Did you often mislay these farm chemicals?

直到今天,他仍不能接触农药。Up until today, he can't handle pesticides.

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我已经学会如何使用生物农药。I’ve learnt how to use biological pesticide.

目的评价有机锡农药的安全性。To evaluate the safety of organotin pesticide.

浙江禾本农药化学有限公司。Zhejiang Heben Pesticide & Chemicals Co. , Ltd.

熏蒸剂是以气体形式作用的农药。Fumigants are pesticides acting in gaseous phase.

提出了禁限用农药管理的建议。Restriction management of pesticide was proposed.

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菜田里撒上了农药。The pesticide was spread over the vegetable plot.

综述了农药氟虫腈的合成方法。The synthesis of insecticide fipronil is investigated.

灭蝇胺属低毒农药。So cyromazine was classified in low toxicity pesticide.

嫁接可以减少植物对于农药的使用量。Grafting can reduce the need to use pesticides on crops.

近年来,世界农药工业萎靡不振,正在经历艰难时刻。The world agrochemical industry is going into hard time.

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美国最受欢迎的马铃薯含有高农药残留量。America\'s popular spud ranks high for pesticide residue.

结论百草枯属于中等毒性农药。Conclusion Paraquat is a pesticide with moderate toxicity.

大量的农药是在施撒时损失的。Significant losses of pesticides occur during application.

个别样品有机磷农药被检出。Organophosphorus pesticides were detected in specific samples.

从牛肉中检验出的120种物质之中,只有一种是农药。Out of 120 substances tested in beef, only one is a pesticide.

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测定芒果叶中有机氯农药的残留量。Determination of residue of chlorine pesticides in mango leave.

我们已经吃进了、喝进了超量的农药。We are already eating and drinking more than enough pesticides.

我们要采购工业的化学药品,肥料,农药。We want to buy Industrial Chemicals, Fertilizer, Agrochemicals.