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发现这个巨大的都市完全人去楼空,并没有感到惊讶。He was not surprised to find the huge metropolis totally deserted.

“将军”下令怀亚特除去赛尔夫,但是在赛尔夫家里,怀亚特发现他早已人去楼空。Pad Man gives Wyatt the order to kill Self, but Wyatt finds Self's house empty.

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几个星期内,西部荒野的田间人去楼空,只留下他们沉默,蹒跚的守卫者。Within weeks, the fields of Westfall stood empty save for their silent, shambling caretakers.

“我知道,他也爱我,”当我和斯泰西在我那已快人去楼空的餐厅里喝咖啡时,我轻声说。" And I know he loves me, too," l moaned to Stacy over a cup of coffee in my near-empty restaurant.

"我知道,他也爱我,"当我和斯泰西在我那已快人去楼空的餐厅里喝咖啡时,我轻声说。"" And I know he loves me, too, " l moaned to Stacy over a cup of coffee in my near-empty restaurant.

叹花开花败何如冰封万里雪,笑人去楼空埋葬繁华几世缘?Tanhua blossom fail to frozen million snow, smile empty burial flourishing several edge of the world?

但很多宠物还是活了下来,它们无家可归,在破烂不堪、人去楼空的街道上四处游荡。But thousands of animals remain, running loose in neighborhoods where fences were flattened and many owners are gone.

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她信他,从未有变,怎奈世事无常,人去楼空,昔日欢愉,早已随着他的离去,不复。She believed him, and never changed, Zennai things impermanent, empty, old joy, already with his departure, no longer.

奥什的人权观察工作人员获知,数千平民离开家园逃离暴行,以致一些社区人去楼空,一个人都没剩。Human Rights Watch staff in Osh received reports that in some cases entire neighborhoods had emptied out, with people fleeing attacks.

这件事让警察有了理由再次拜访Dale,当他们赶到时但却发现已经人去楼空,皮卡也不见了。That incident had warranted another visit from the police but the cops found Dale's condo empty and the pickup gone when they'd arrived.

住所里现在尽管人去楼空,但是依然保持当年海明威生活的原貌,洋溢着海明威当年生活的气息。Now the residency, although empty, has kept the characteristics of Hemmingway's time, brimming with characteristics of his time at the house.

凤凰卫视记者蒋晓峰表示,除被困的30多名国际记者外,里克索斯酒店人去楼空,无人做饭。Phoenix TV reporter, said Jiang Xiaofeng, in addition to more than 30 international correspondents trapped outside, Rick Soss hotels empty, no cooking.

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在美国加州的棕榈谷和兰卡斯特等市,由于止赎情况丝毫未得到缓解,整街整巷的住宅人去楼空。In California, whole neighbourhoods in cities such as Palmdale and Lancaster have been left empty because of mortgage foreclosures that have continued unabated.

品如到了洪家的房子前,世贤刚好接到艾莉的电话让他回家搬家,但是他回来时曾经人去楼空,只剩品如在门前。Product such as to flood house ago, the Yin just received ailey phone let him home move, but when he came back, with only product such as ever deserted in the door.

在美泰宣布召回后不久,这家工厂的老板自杀身亡,数百名工人失业,厂区内的职工宿舍如今人去楼空。The factory's owner killed himself after the recall, and the company laid off hundreds of workers. Their concrete dormitory on the factory grounds now stands empty.

但是,这里已经是人去楼空,所有的东西都烧掉了,连一张纸头都没有,只能通过附近的一些痕迹,判断当时肯定有一只勘探队,在附近勘探过。But there was nothing here, all the things were burnt up, even a sheet of paper could never been found. We could only judge there had been a prospecting team worked around by some tracks about.