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少时闲混,到老穷困。Idle young, needy old.

我的意思是什么人穷困潦倒。What people mean my down and out.

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少时闲混,老来穷困。A young man idle, an old man needy.

他们两人都于穷困潦倒中死去。Both of them died in abject poverty.

这是一切穷困中最冷酷无情的穷困。It is, of all distresses, the coldest.

穷困的多克斯逃进了小巷。Destitute, Dokes fled to the back alleys.

不贫穷是很难的,除非穷困。Not poverty is the hardship, but neediness.

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他早年饱尝过穷困和忧愁。He knew poverty and sorrow in his early days.

现在,可怜的旦尼尔真是处于穷困潦到的境况。Right now the poor guy is really down and out.

那个男人看似穷困,却又衣着体面。The man seemed poor, but he was respectably dressed.

酗酒问题在乌兰巴托的穷困和失业人口中猖獗泛滥。Alcoholism is rampant among UB's poor and unemployed.

当你穷困潦倒的时候,仿佛已渺无希望。When you are down and out, there seems no hope at all.

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洪都拉斯的麻烦和穷困已经够多了。There’s enough trouble and poverty in Honduras already.

当你穷困潦倒的时候,记得保持昂头挺胸。When you're down and out, remember to keep your head up.

穷困和其他事物是一样的。It is the same with wretchedness as with everything else.

她竟穷困到要饭的地步了。She was so poor that she descended to begging for her food.

他们不希望回到家来又看到妈妈穷困疲惫。They don't want to arrive home to a needy mother, she says.

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这种可悲的人类植物是由穷困造成的。It is indigence which produces these melancholy human plants.

萨拉丢掉工作和房子后变得穷困潦倒。Sarah was down and out after losing her job and her apartment.

陶诗真实写隐后穷困和农村荒凉萧败。Taos really wrote his poverty life and countrysides depression.