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迎战堕落者,我们需要你!Face to the Fallen, we need you!

鲁国由鲁王亲自带兵迎战。The King of Lu led the army by himself.

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当他上前迎战的时候,他对歌利亚说的什么呢?As he approached Goliath , what did he say?

星期六法国队迎战威尔士队。France are playing against Wales on Saturday.

喜欢迎战责任重大的工作。Like to be challenged with a responsible job.

周一我们将在同一轮次迎战诺维奇队。On Monday week we visit Norwich at the same stage.

一旦比尔提出挑战,我就得迎战。Once Bill threw down the gauntlet, I had to fight.

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他将在五局制比赛中迎战凯文·福特。He will now fight Kevin Ford on the five-bout card.

在女子羽毛球团体比赛中,东道主将迎战泰国队。In the women's team event, the hosts face Thailand.

苹果公司的产品已整装待发,准备迎战。Apple's products are shrink-wrapped and ready to go.

美国男排的下一场比赛是星期二迎战意大利队。Their next Olympic match is on Tuesday against Italy.

薇奇看起来已经做好了迎战的准备了。Vickie looked like she was ready to fight the clique.

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桑普在主场被卡利亚里1-1逼平,在主场迎战卡利亚里。Samp were held to a 1-1 draw at home against Cagliari.

他已经准备好迎战维琴查,正如我整个夏天都说的那样。He's ready to play, as I've said throughout the summer.

科特迪瓦将在周二迎战下一个对手利比亚。The Ivorians' next fixture is against Libya on Tuesday.

道路工程,是社会冲突的小说,人主场迎战进展。Roadwork is a novel of societal conflict, man vs. progress.

米兰将在9月18日下午3点的热内亚迎战桑普多利亚。Milan will play Sampdoria in Genoa on September 18 at 3pm CET.

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在一个公路检查站法国士兵摆开阵势,准备迎战一名持枪者。French soldiers squared off with a gunman at a road checkpoint.

刚刚练习完投篮,准备迎战大换血后的尼克斯队。Just finished shoot around and preparing for the new look Knicks.

他们将在西岸一座新修建的体育场内迎战来访的约旦国家队。They are facing Jordan in a newly-built stadium in the West Bank.