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他们常常沉湎于酒。They often deal on wine.

它所沉湎的,正是我们最惧怕的。It indulges in what we fear the most.

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她沉湎于旅馆豪华奢侈的享乐之中。She wallowed in the luxury of the hotel.

就在本周,人们都沉湎于一个幻想之中。JUST for this week, indulge in a fantasy.

这些花花公子整天沉湎于花天酒地的放荡生活。These playboys riot in dissipated living.

他整天无所事事,沉湎于幻想之中。He idled all day long,indulging in fantasy.

我们切莫再沉湎于绝望的深谷之中。Let us not wallow in the valley of despair.

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史密斯沉湎于古代史中。Mr. Smith steeps himself in ancient history.

莫要沉湎于过去所受的侮辱或者不公平。Dont ruminate on past affronts or injustices.

莫要沉湎于过去所受的侮辱或者不公平。Don't ruminate on past affronts or injustices.

你不要总是沉湎于怀旧,还是干点儿什么吧!You shouldn't be nostalgizing,but do something.

我深呼吸,沉湎于感情中。I filled my lungs, luxuriating in the sensation.

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汤姆喜欢沉湎于幻想其未来。Tom loved to indulge in reveries about his future.

让过去的事情成为过去吧,不要沉湎于过去。Let bygones be bygones. Don't dwell on the past too much.

这位年轻的电影明星沉湎于观众的赞美声中。The young movie star revelled in the public's admiration.

所有瑜伽士都陶醉在喜悦中,沉湎于心陶神迷的狂喜里面。Till all the yogis, drunk with bliss, are lost in ecstasy.

难怪旅行家和一些勇敢的观光客会如此沉湎于它的独特魅力。No wonder it attracts courageous tourists and travellers so much.

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但是范肖、格雷戈里和其他人都警示到,不要过于的沉湎于过去。Yet Fanshawe, Gregory, and others warn against excessive nostalgia.

我是以一个足以负担得起沉湎于上述任何一项的人的身份说出这话的。I say this as someone who can afford to indulge just about any of it.

他的青春是在享乐这中度过的——花天酒地,沉湎声色。His youth was spent in having a good time-plenty of wine, woman, and song.