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这个路标是什么?What is the landmark?

这条路已经设路标了。This road has been signed.

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让爱做你前行的路标。Let love be your guidepost.

这条路的路标清楚吗?。Is the road well signposted?

一个主要的路标就是改变。The one major signpost is change.

路标上写了什么?What is written on that guidepost?

公路上的几个路标把司机搞糊涂了。The road signs confused the driver.

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这个路标说明去动物园的道路。This signpost tells the way to the zoo.

比如,当他出水痘时,他称水痘为“小鸡点”,他把高速公路上的锥形路标称作“道路拦截者”。Motorway cones he calls "road-stoppers".

在那里。请注意看路标。学习十六浦索菲特。Over there. Please look for the road sign.

“你刚才说你看着路标的,”他说。"You said you saw it signposted, " he said.

总有路标等其他的东西。There are always signs and the other things.

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白色或黄色热熔道路标线涂料。To make white or yellow hot-melt traffic paint.

路标给我们指出正确的路线。A signpost indicated the right road for us to follow.

这里没有路标,这里都是单行道。There weren't road signs. There were one-way streets.

首个艾滋病疫苗是疫苗研发的路标。"It is a signpost for vaccine development, " he said.

作用于企业范围内提高和改变的路标A roadmap for organization-wide improvement and change

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我们的村子很小,连路标都没有。Our village is so small that it's not even signposted.

教师是路标,以身作则,指引方向。Teachers are landmarks, set an example and a direction.

这名司机被相抵触的路标给弄糊涂了。The driver was bewildered by the conflicting road signs.