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我会从头到尾教的。I'll teach you from Bto Z.

从头到尾读完了一本小说。Read a novel cover to cover.

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她从头到尾对这个电影都不感兴趣。She was bored throughout the film.

他们从头到尾跟着你。They followed with you to the end.

整件事从头到尾。The whole pattern from the beginning.

他拿起了图表从头到尾读了一遍。He picked up the chart and read it over.

她把序言从头到尾看了三遍。She read the preface through three times.

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从头到尾,真的是累极了。From start to finish, it was just horrible.

整个桥墩从头到尾都沐浴在灯火之中。The pier was lit up along its entire length.

这本书我从头到尾看过两遍。I've read the book twice from cover to cover.

这艘船从头到尾全长四十英尺。The boat measured forty feet from nose to tip.

影片从头到尾贯穿着讽刺韵调。There is a constant irony throughout the film.

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你需要对网站进行从头到尾的质量检验。You need to quality check the site end to end.

他在前期准备时把每本剧本都从头到尾读过。He went over all the scripts in pre-production.

全部表演从头到尾都是一流的。Whole show is first-rate from beginning to end.

从头到尾,从未怀疑过这二人的爱情。From start to finish, never doubted that the Love.

经常要求把一切从头到尾都检查一遍。The manager wanted everything checked from A to Z.

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小贝贝一定是从头到尾奉陪到底!Audrey would be right there, from beginning to end!

她在两个小时里就把书从头到尾全读完了。She read the book clear to the end within two hours.

这部电影从头到尾共花了两年才完成。From start to finish the movie took two years to film.