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罗马城非朝夕建成,伟业非一日之功。Rome was not built in a day!

但这一伟业由他的儿子加拉哈德完成了。But his son, Sir Galahad, did.

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吟唱战争伟业和尚武精神。To deeds of arms the martial spirit fired.

壮志与热情是伟业的辅冀。Ambition and enthusiasm is great auxiliary ji.

北京香塘伟业投资管理有限责任公司。Bei Jing X. T. W. Y. Investment & Consnltant Co.

这些伟业丰功,真是费尽了移山的心力啊!These cause great, really great mountains heart ah!

和谐凝聚力量,和谐成就伟业。Harmony rallys strength and leads to great successes.

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北京香塘伟业投资管理有限责任公司。Bei Jing X. T. W. Y. Investment & Consnltant Co. , Ltd.

此次航海成为查尔斯终生伟业的起点。That voyage was the start of Charles Darwin's great life work.

人生伟业的建立,不在能知,乃在能行。One can make great achievement in that he does but not he knows.

連接横跨伟业街的行人天桥与德福大厦。It connects the footbridge over Wai Yip Street with Telford House.

他已经看不到这支由他一手塑造的球队夺取联赛三连冠的伟业。He missed seeing the side he had moulded lift three back-to-back titles.

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2006年,恒丰伟业科技事业跃上了一个新的台阶。In 2006, Albert Hengfeng science and technology has leapt to a new level.

欢迎来到广东省揭阳市中兴伟业焊锡厂!Welcome to Guangdong province jieyang city zhongxing weiye solder factory!

乐清市伟业电子有限公司是我国生产电子元件的主要企业之一。Is China's production of electronic components, one of the main enterprises.

河北伟业计量衡器有限公司是您的理想选择。Weighing Apparatus Co. , Ltd. Hebei Albert measurement are your ideal choice.

让我们与新老客户一起共创辉煌兰天伟业。Let's creat a spectacular Lantian enterprise together with the old& new clients.

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人类可以成就非凡的伟业,但是我并不想知道得那么清楚。Mankind’s achievements could very well be great, but I do not care to know them.

求你使拯救的时日急速来临,记念你的誓约,好叫万邦称扬你的伟业。Hasten the time, and remember the end, that they may declare thy wonderful works.

咱们之所以能排在第一位,先祖当初肯定做过惊天伟业!We rank first only because our ancestry certainly made a great and amazing cause.