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生活是逆水行舟,不进则退。Life is boating against the current.

逆水行舟用力撑,一篙松劲退千寻。You felt the floor, a pole slacken qianhe back.

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但是我们丝毫不可松懈,摆在我们面前的形势如同逆水行舟,不进则退。The situation we are facing now is like going upstream.

时间顺流而下,生活逆水行舟。Time flows with the current, life sails against the current.

关于这一点还有一个理想的实例,就是逆水行舟。?。Another ideal case in point is that of rowing against current.

学习犹如逆水行舟,不进则退。你是想进步,还是倒退?Study is like a boat sailing against the current. Which do you want , sink or swim?

对于整个中国射击队来说,从雅典到北京,同样是逆水行舟。The Chinese shooting team as a whole, from Athens to Beijing, is also riding a boat.

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经营企业,如逆水行舟,不进则退!Managing an enterprise is like rowing against the current, No progress means backwards.

现在,没有受过教育的青年想要获得成功,其难度就好比逆水行舟。The boy who tries to succeed today without an education is swimming against the stream.

学如逆水行舟,不进则退,最忌“三天打鱼,两天晒网”。Learn he who does not gain loses, most avoid is "three days, two days fishing nets are spread".

⊙、学如逆水行舟,逆水行舟用力撑,一篙松劲退千寻,此日足可惜,吾辈更应惜秒音。Studies such as stream, stream into the, a pole slacken qianhe back, the day it is a pity, we should cherish more seconds.

即使逆水行舟,在现实的洪流中,依然印记一个追梦无悔的背影。那个值得悲悯的时代,这些动人的文字,带给我们无限的遐想。Even if you, in the reality, still mark a dream back without regrets. That is worth pity era, these moving words, bring us infinite daydream.

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这位中卫知道自信心在足球中尤其重要,他相信任何球队的成功都离不开逆水行舟。The centre back knows that confidence is a vital commodity in football and he believes that dealing with setbacks is a major factor in any team's success.

逆水行舟,是艰苦的,在捉摸不定的海洋里,阴霾着不易察觉的陷阱,难以越过的漩涡与风浪的拷打。Against the current, is hard, in an uncertain sea, the haze was difficult to detect the trap, it is difficult with the wind and waves over the vortex torture.

我们在大河上拉纤,栉风沐雨,逆水行舟,把生命的痕迹留在时光之畔,于是就懂得该怎样更好地活着和快乐。We pull in the large fibers, Chlamys Mu wind rain, riding a boat to leave traces of life on the banks of the time, so to better understand how alive and happy.

逆水行舟,不进则退,我们将一如既往地不断追求、勇于创新,用更完善、更优质的产品回馈广大用户。He who does not advance loses ground, we 'll looking for something, active in innovation as always, supply more perfect, high quality product to rebound our customers.

第一篇文章是逆水行舟求发展当前,攀钢同很多国有大企业一样,面临较大的困难。The first article is boat of travel of against the current seeks progress current, like climbing steel to have big company with a lot of countries, face greater difficulty.

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在全球经济衰退的背景下,人力资源外包行业反而逆水行舟、业务量不降反增。Below the setting of global economic depression, industry of the bag outside manpower resource instead boat of travel of against the current, portfolio does not fall to be added instead.

竞争既是竞争者谋取较大经济效益的内在需求,又是其逆水行舟、不进则退的外在压力。Try to gain of competitive since competitor is bigger the underlying demand of economic benefits, it is its boat of travel of against the current, do not take the external pressure that removes.