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你们可能都听说过即将发起总攻的传言。Now, y'all might've heard rumors about the armada happening soon.

他们发起全线总攻,不给敌人以任何喘息机会。They attacked all along the line and gave the enemy no breathing spell.

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司令部发出命令,各路大军一起开始总攻。The headquarters ordered that all the armies carry out a general attack together.

前总统洛朗·巴博的军队称对方发起“总攻”。Former President Laurent Gbagbo's army said the other launch a "general offensive."

从大坝临近的地区,中国的士兵们向震中发起了总攻。From all around the dam area, Chinese soldiers are launching their assault on the epicentre.

突击队的目标是摧毁保护新死星的防护盾,为起义军的总攻作准备。This team was to deactivate the deflector shield protecting the new Death Star from Rebel attack.

总攻时间一到,战士们勇猛地向敌人的阵地冲去。As soon as the moment for the general offensive arrived, the solders charged the enemy position bravely.

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光辉道路毛派游击队运动号召向政府及其军事力量发起总攻。The Shining Path Maoist guerrilla movement advocated a general offensive against the State and its military power.

他说,前线的指挥官正在等待执政当局的命令,以便对这座城市发起总攻。He said, frontline commander was waiting for the ruling authorities in order to the city launched general offensive.

斯里兰卡军方称对猛虎组织控制的海岸的最后总攻正在进行中。Sri Lanka's army says the final push is on the way to capture the remaining sliver of beach held by Tiami Tiger Rebels.

在总攻之前,有一小撮卡扎菲死忠者试图驾车逃跑,但被执政当局武装全歼。Before the offensive, a small group of Gaddafi loyalists who tried to escape by car, but was armed to wipe out the ruling authorities.

正面强攻部队即以密集火力,从关南发动总攻,迅猛杀上娄山关。A positive force that is attacking the intensive fire from off the South to launch the general offensive, rapidly kill the Loushanguan.

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美俄之间的强硬对抗,是美国食利者统一战争的总攻号角。The hard-line confrontation between the United States and Russia, the United States rentier horn mounted on the reunification of the war.

随着考试时间的进行,他会想着可能要快速的看看他的笔记,不过太晚了,焦虑总攻已经开始了。As test time approaches, he'll start thinking about maybe “skimming through his notes a bit", but it's too late, the panic attack has already begun.

将近傍晚,法军的攻势逐渐松懈,或许因为他们除了英国人之外还有别的交战敌人,或许正在准备发动最后的一次总攻。Towards evening, the attack of the French slackened in its fury. They had other foes besides the British to engage, or were preparing for a final onset.

迪克西特认为,尼赫鲁对形势的判断发生严重的错误,当时他不该发起全国总攻,而应采取有选择的、渐进的,区域性的方式。N. Dixit believed that Nehru made a grievous error of judgment in ordering an all-out general offensive when it should have been selective, gradual and area-specific.

从1月3日起以多达两个军共九个师的兵力向巴斯托尼发动的总攻也没有取得很大进展,尽管在这场总攻中展开了阿登战役中最激烈的战斗。Nor did an all-out assault on Bastogne beginning on January 3 by no less than two corps of nine divisions which led to the most severe fighting of the Ardennes campaign.

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当日军向防守严密的南门发起总攻时,我听到震耳欲聋的机枪声,南门处的火光熊熊,照亮了整个战场。I heard the din of cannonading and machine-gunning accompanying the final Japanese assault on the strongly held south gate, where towering torches of flame lit up the battlefield.

在最初的袭击发生35个多小时之后,当地时间周五上午,印度突击队对犹太中心发动了总攻,武装分子在这里仍扣押着人质。Friday morning, local time -- more than 35 hours after the initial attacks -- Indian commandos launched an all-out push to seize the Jewish center, where gunmen still held hostages.

队长魏强找到上级,要求配合八路军主力会同国民党军队于三天后对保定城发起总攻。Captain Wei Qiang find the higher request with the Eight Route Army main force, together with the Kuomintang troops in three days for the city of Baoding launched a general offensive.