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铁路之父詹天佑独具匠心筑路与创造。Railway father Zhan Tianyou showed ingenuity in building railways.

冯小刚独具匠心,打造了自己的贺岁品牌,成功地占领了部分电影市场。Feng Xiaogang is original and different, making his own brand for the New Year.

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避风亭的设计独具匠心,在建筑学上有很高的研究价值。A booth have great originality in architecture design, has the very high research value.

每一件家具都独具匠心,每一件家具都堪称艺术品。Furniture originality are everything, every piece of furniture can be termed works of art.

通过独具匠心的方式,凡麦西尔林用艺术的分析来回应关于人性的基本问题—“什么是生命?”His project is a work "in progress", always responding to these fundamental human questions.

细节彰显魅力,独特方有体验,在这里每一处设计都独具匠心。Details reveal charm, unique are experience, in here each place designed has an inventive mind.

独具匠心的设计与专业的服务品质相映成辉。Have a special inventive mind the design and the specialized service quality form a splendorous contrast.

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由于推出了独具匠心的T型车,福特成为了全世界第一家把汽车引进百姓家的汽车公司。With its ingenious Model T, Ford became the first car company in the world to bring motoring to the masses.

每一层蛋糕都按凯特本人的要求被用精致的、手工的装饰打造得独具匠心。Each tier will be made unique by delicate, handmade decorations that have been personally requested by Kate.

在全球化时代,每一位艺术家都对“人与自然”这一亘古常新的命题做出独具匠心的解答。In a globalize era, each artist has his or her own answer to this never-obsolescent subject in creative way.

此外,“瑞好”水晶迷你系列产品设计小巧、独具匠心,尤其受到年轻消费者的青睐。In addition, "REHAU" crystal mini aquarium series is small and smart, which is especially for young consumers.

你可以感谢这些独具匠心却默默无闻的厨师,他们把鲜奶油和黄油混合制成“奶油冰”。You can thank these innovative but nameless chefs for adding cream and butter to the mix to produce "Cream ice".

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儿童房的设计独具匠心,设计师充分利用每寸空间,并使用了鲜明的色彩。The design of children room shows originality, stylist makes full use of every inches of space, used a Technicolor.

独具匠心、别具一格就是对“红一格”最好的诠释,她是充满活力、创造力和理想的革命团队。RedUnique, special and particular design and style, it is a work team which full of energy, creativity and ideality.

世界可能再也看不到像2008年北京奥运会如此规模宏大而又独具匠心的开幕式。"The world may never witness a ceremony of the magnitude and ingenuity as that which opens the 2008 Olympics," it said.

楼梯是由一系列的树枝状阶梯组成,阶梯盘旋上升,楼梯仿若树枝从上面悬挂,和独具匠心的扶手融为一体。The staircase was formed from a series of tree branch inspired threads that hang from above and merge into unique handrail.

雍容华贵而独具匠心的设计,能够与亲友分享新人们的喜悦,见证永志难忘的一刻。The distinctive design of luxury makes unforgettable memory of the wedding ceremony with all the family members and friends.

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视觉效验在扮饰画中独具匠心,是手工扮饰画的佼佼者。The visual effect establishes a new school in the decoration painting, is the manual decoration painting outstanding person.

这款包包的特别之处在于包口两侧的的可开合拉链,独具匠心的设计让同样一款手袋演绎出两种风情。This bag have zippers at both side of pocket opening, original design allows the same handbag interprets two kinds of style.

酒店拥有308间豪华客房,建筑设计独具匠心,艺术元素渗透每个细节。一流的设施设备,一流的服务品质,尽展茵特拉根华侨城酒店好客之道。Our 308-room luxury hotel offers a perfect blend of sleek design, state-of-the-art facilities, and OCT's legendary hospitality.