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看看我的眉毛?Look at my eyebrows?

我的眉毛很浓。My eyebrows are dark.

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他扬起眉毛。He raises his eyebrows.

哈利挑起了一条眉毛。Harry raised an eyebrow.

纳达尔眉毛一扬。Nadal raises an eyebrow.

她的眉毛很秀气。Her eyebrows are shapely.

老杨的眉毛拧了个结。Lao Yang knitted his brows.

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从他眉毛上的荆冠流出。From the thorns upon His brow.

派克疑惑着眉毛拱了起来。Pike's brows arched doubtfully.

扬起眉毛,上嘴唇向上撅起。lifted brows, upper lip lifted.

你的眉毛是否修过或齐整?Are your eyebrows trim and neat?

给眉毛粘出小小的眉峰。Eyebrows glued up into tiny peaks.

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没刘海,眼睛较大,眉毛浓。No bangs, big eyes, thick eyebrows.

眉毛或睫毛稀疏、色浅。Sparse eyebrows or eyelashes, Light.

穿洞的耳朵,鼻子,肚脐,眉毛。Pierced ears, nose, navel, eye brows.

他向我竖起眉毛要求解释。He cocked an eyebrow for me to explain.

鼻子,眉毛中间脱皮怎么办啊!Nose, how does desquamate do among brow!

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露西•奥德利掀起了她那画过的眉毛。Lucy Audley lifted her penciled eyebrows.

更改与假眉毛,一个演员的脸。Change an actor's face with fake eyebrows.

他的妻子每天早晨用软木炭把眉毛描黑。His wife corks her eyebrows every morning.