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苔丝仍然没有答理他。Still no answer came from Tess.

他甚至不答理我。He didn't even return my greeting.

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听到我的呼叫答理吗?Cthe prove to best hear me cwoulsl ?

但大臣的儿子没有答理她。But the minister's son made no reply.

对此,嘉莉根本不答理。这话太让她伤心了。Carrie did not answer this at all. It hurt her.

经理不会答理那样一份报告。The manager will not look at a report like that.

他跟我打招呼,我没答理他。He said hello to me, but I didn't acknowledge him.

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全身伏在马背时,他谁也不答理。He would speak to nobody when he was in full tilt.

她不禁痛苦得全身一阵痉挛,没有答理他的话。A spasm of anguish shot through her, and she returned him no answer.

咱们正告他们,他们的所作所为会有后果,但他们仍然不予答理。we worn them that their actions will have consequences, but still they defy us.

何平买房时和父母买了对门,何父见何其回来就懒得答理,冯雪还担心何其担心他们给父母的十万元。He Ping and his parents bought house door, where the father came back to see how he, Feng Xue also worried about how to worry about their parents one hundred thousand yuan.