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南非荷兰语在自由主义的新南非相当流行。Afrikaans is blossoming in the liberal New South Africa.

他们的名字源于南非的荷兰语意思是“泥猪”。Their name comes from South Africa's Afrikaans language and means "earth pig."

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所谓的布尔语言斗争要比我们所认为的激烈得多。The so-called Afrikaans "language struggle" is therefore much more radical than we think.

当然我们都知道,“混种化”其实是英国对布尔的胜利。Of course, as we all know, Creolisation will mean the victory of English and the defeat of Afrikaans.

他们必须要完成工作,把布尔语和布尔人从南非地图上清除干净。They must complete the job of obliterating Afrikaans and the Afrikaner people from the map of South Africa.

南非荷兰语、兰语、英语、兰芝语及德语则属西日尔曼语的几种重要语言。Afrikaans dutch english flemish and german are the more important languages within the west germanic grouping.

人们在一个临时搭建的帐篷里参加教堂在3月7日2010年克鲁格斯多普棚户区的南非荷兰语星期日的服务。People attend an Afrikaans Sunday service in a makeshift tent church at a squatter camp in Krugersdorp on March 7, 2010.

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八岁那年,我父母移民到了南非。我进入了一所非洲学校,我念大学的资格证也是在非洲获得的。When my parents immigrated to South Africa I was eight years old and went to an Afrikaans School, I did my matric in Afrikaans.

八岁那年,我父母移民到了南非。我进入了一所非洲学校,我念大学的资格证也是在非洲获得的。When my parents immigrated to South Africa I was eight years old and went to an Afrikaans School, I did my matric in Afrikaans.

这座小镇后来被称为索韦托。1976年,学生们抗议学校仅仅用布尔语授课的时候,这里就变成了暴力的中心。Soweto—as this township came to be called—became the center of violence in 1976 when students protested school courses taught only in Afrikaans.

但这个国家和革命者所没有意识到的是,“炸毁”布尔人和布尔机构,也会炸毁其他的。What the state and the revolutionaries controlling it, did not realise, however, is that by "bombing", as it were, Afrikaans and Afrikaans institutions, it would also bomb the rest.