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因为他们来自昴宿星或猎户座。They came from the Pleiades or Orion.

为什么?因为他们来自昴宿星或猎户座。Why? They came from the Pleiades or Orion.

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我听说昂宿星团里有个眨眼的星星。I heard about a winking star in the Pleiades.

昴宿星在今天并不真正存在。The Pleiades does not really exist in present time.

很多的语言里也有对昴宿星的命名。Many of their languages include names for the Pleiades.

昴宿星群同时也被称为“七姐妹星团”。The Pleiades star cluster is also called the Seven Sisters.

光从昴宿星画在表现助攻。Draw in light from the Pleiades that assists in manifesting.

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人类群体相信昴星宿的存在,所以它存在。Human consensus believes that the Pleiades exists and so it is.

试着在之后的一两个星期没有月亮的晚上找找昴宿星。Try looking at the Pleiades in a moonless sky in a week week or two.

只要你寻找着去看,就你会很容易发现昂宿生的组合。You can find the Pleiades star cluster easily just by looking for it.

她回到昴宿星写下回忆录后结束了生命。She returned to the Pleiades to write her memoirs and to end her life.

昴宿星标志着金牛座的金牛的肩部。The Pleiades marks the shoulder of the Bull in the constellation Taurus.

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以我们的太阳和太阳系为例,我们的中心太阳就是昴宿星团中的昴宿六。In the case of OUR sun and solar system, Our central star of Alcyone of Pleiades.

狄俄尼索斯的其余历史并不清楚,因为记录被保留在昴宿星上。The remaining history of Dionysus is not known as the records are in the Pleiades.

今晚深夜或明天黎明前,月亮可以引导你的眼睛去看昂宿星。Late tonight, or tomorrow before dawn, the moon can guide your eye to the Pleiades.

一个两者间的战场是地球的太阳系。One solar system that the Pleiades and Sirius warred over was Earth's solar system.

它和昴宿星团都不来自于这个时空区域。The Order just like the Pleiades and the Pleiadians is not from this time space zone.

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其中最为明亮的星星,金牛座的昴宿六,其亮度甚至是咱太阳的700-800倍。The brightest Pleiades star, Alcyone, is some 700 to 800 times brighter than our sun.

早期的专业天文学家有时称夜晚天空中的昴宿星为蜂群。Early stargazers sometimes described the Pleiades as a 'swarm of bees' in the night sky.

昂宿星赢了,马尔戴克被星际飞船撞碎,因此形成你们的小行星带。The Pleiades won, and Maldek was shattered by spacecraft thus becoming your asteroid belt.