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一根湿漉漉的竹棍就够了。A waterlogged stick will do just fine.

那场比赛因场地汪水只好取消。The match have to is abandoned because the pitch is waterlogged.

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易涝地区和碱地都标了出来,以便特别注意。Waterlogged and alkaline areas were marked down for special attention.

老师指指渍水的地球仪,用手对着自己的脖子做了个砍头的手势。He points at the waterlogged earth and slashes a finger across his neck.

他们发现场地上全是水时,决定停止比赛。They decided to call a halt to the match when they found the ground was waterlogged.

政府敦促在这个州交界处居民从被水淹没的地区转移走。Officials are urging residents to evacuate from waterlogged areas near the state line.

官员们正在敦促州边界洪区的居民尽快撤离。Officials are urging residents to evacuate from waterlogged areas near the state line.

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十年前朝阳还是穷人的天下,农田里积满了水。Ten years ago Chaoyang had been the poor man's district, waterlogged in its farmlands.

他还提到这些阴尸比僵尸还要皮包骨,而且由于被水泡过,显得更加灰白。He also noted that Inferi are skinnier than zombies, as well as being waterlogged and grey.

“高垄平台”耕法是治理低湿易涝地的有效手段。The tillage method of high-ridge platform is a effective way to harness waterlogged lowland.

你可能看到过这样的画面,农民在充满水的稻田里来回走动劳作。You've probably seen pictures of farmers wading ankle deep through waterlogged rice paddies.

1928年有人把这些海豚象海狸那样把一床浸泡了水的褥垫推上岸时的情景拍摄了下来。In 1928 some porpoises were photographed working like beavers to push ashore a waterlogged mattress.

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1928年,有人拍摄到了海豚像海狸一样把浸透水的床垫推上岸的情景。In 1928 some porpoises were photographed working like beavers to push ashore a waterlogged mattress.

它不含稳定剂,甜味剂和水涝水果,它尝起来口味新鲜,味道尖酸而不酸腐。It's free of stabilizers, sweeteners and waterlogged fruit, and it's fresh tasting and tart, not sour.

用细胞分裂素喷施受湿害的植物,可抑制植株叶片的叶绿素含量下降,延缓衰老。Spraying cytokinin on waterlogged plants may stop the decrease of chlorophyl content and delay senescence.

涝渍地是易涝易渍耕地的简称,通常指常年或季节性滞水的农业用地。Waterlogged land is a kind of cultivation land which is easily logged with water seasonally or perennially.

文章分析了来安县渍害原因,提出了治理措施。This paper analyzes the cause of waterlogged in Lai'an County and puts forward corresponding control measure.

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铁轨下面的泥土看起来已被浸泡,混凝土轨枕和钢轨已被淹没,照片显示重型机械拖走了枕轨,并压平了铁路床。Thee ground under the tracks appears to have become waterlogged and the concrete ties and steel track submerged.

从三月到五月,马拉的土壤里蕴含了大量的水分,这时候的马拉会成为一片泽国。From March through May, this part of the Mara receives long heavy rainfall which becomes flooded and waterlogged.

泥炭沼泽的形成可分为水域泥炭沼泽化和陆地泥炭沼泽化两大类。The formation of peat swamps can be divided into two major categories, i. e. waterlogged peatification and terrestrial.