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和我们合作的中介商也是其中之一。Our local middleman was one of them.

第二,作为一个“中间商”实在不易。The second is the difficulties of being a middleman.

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我们直接和零售商打交道,不经过任何中间人。We approach the retailers directly, without any middleman.

扬格说,例如有一位中间人从印度非法捕猎者手中收购虎骨或犀牛角。A middleman collects tiger bones or rhino horn from poachers in India.

他就是卖你妹妹的牙子,我们恨死他了。We all hate him because he is the middleman in selling your little sister.

卖者给予中间人红色铜二钧作为回报。The seller had given the middleman thirty kilogrammes of copper as the fee.

据一个报道说,中间人是巴西大使的妻子。According to one report, the middleman was the wife of the Brazilian ambassador.

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但显然,并非所有人都欣赏将分手外包给中间人这个主意。But obviously, not every one likes the idea of outsourcing breakups to a middleman.

在某种意义上,你们是政府与商界之间的中介人。You’re sort of the middleman between the government and, certainly, the business community.

在你和一大群搜索引擎之间的中间人认为是中间搜索引擎。Think of metasearch engines as the middleman between you and a large group of search engines.

当一名有用且高效但基本匿名的中间人,问题是显而易见的。The problem with being a helpful, efficient but largely anonymous middleman is pretty obvious.

罗伯特周,这个台湾中介人给去美国生孩子的富裕中国女人提供帮助。Robert Zhou, a Taiwanese middleman who helps wealthy Chinese women go to the U.S. to give birth

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“我们直接从农户手中采购,不需要中介商或当地贸易商,”迪美斯特说。“We buy directly from the farmer without need of the middleman or the local trader, ” said De Smet.

梅塞纳斯是奥古斯都和诗人们的中间人,起到奥古斯都宣传部长的作用。He served as the middleman between emperor and poets, functioning as Augustus' minister of propaganda.

但是一份发表于3月2日的分子生物期刊上的报告则认为,蚊子传播病毒给人类并不需要一个中介人。But a report published March 2nd in the journal Molecular Ecology says mosquitoes didn’t need a middleman.

你的合作者,代理人或其他中间人似乎很在这几天会对你起成功作用。A twosome collaborator, agent, or other middleman appears to be very instrumental in your success on these days.

因此,切削出中间人可能招致的损失宝贵的商业咨询,支持服务和公正性。So, cutting out the middleman could incur a loss of valuable business advice, support services and impartiality.

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第三章从中人的角色关系和关系定位两个方面论述清代土地绝卖契约中的中人现象。Chapter 3 expose the middleman phenomenon from its role and position unit aspect in lands absolutely sell contract.

即使在未来几年内中国发展减速,其对香港作为中间人的需求正在减弱。Even if China grows more slowly in the next few years, its need for a middleman economy like Hong Kong's is dwindling.

然而,国内电影生产企业影视产品的中间商管理,除了极个别影片的成功个案之外,普遍鲜有上乘表现。However, the film studio companies seldom do very well in managing middleman except several successful cases in China.